Who else?

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This is a request and I have no problem doing it! Enjoy ~Kyoko-Chan

The door bell rang again before you could get anything. America yanked it away from you, throwing it at Britain as he ran to the door. You raised an eyebrow with a smirk growing on your face. America was really out there. 

"Hey, you guys!" America greeting, letting in four new people. One was a short, blonde boy that looked your age. His hair was back in a braid and he was wearing a red coat with a flamel on the back. 

The next boy looked to be his brother, but he had sandy colored hair and grey eyes, unlike his brother's gold ones. And in addition to that, he was carrying a small cat. 

A man followed behind them who practically made you drool. He had dark, raven colored hair, and piercing black eyes. And he was wearing a blue, what looked to be a military uniform that only made him look better. 

The last one had a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth and spikey blonde hair. His uniform matched the dark-haired man's. You smiled shyly at them, with the wave of your hand. You couldn't help but like them. They had an appealing air around them. (A/N: Let's be real, what lady doesn't love Mustang?) 

"(Name)! Come met this guys!" America called, pulling you over. He pointed to the first, younger blonde boy with the braid.



"This is Edward, you can call him Ed thought," America leaned in."Word of advice, don't mention his height." You blinked, but nodded.

"This is his brother, Alphonse. Call him Al." But you had already snatched the cat from him. And after you finished fighting Al for the cat, America went on to introduce the raven.

"This is-"

"Roy Mustang. Nice to met you." The man cut him off. You felt a faint blush raise on your cheeks and you nodded, shaking his hand. 

"I'm Jean Havoc. Just call me Jean." The spikey blonde said, with a meaningful glance toward Roy, who rolled his eyes. 

"You guys are just in time! Put something in that hat." America ordered, holding it out to them. 

"Look away, ve~" Italy said, turning you around. When you had turned back around, Italy and Al were playing with the cat. Roy looked like he was saying something to Ed, who was blushing slightly. You couldn't help but think he looked adorable like that. 

"Pick something." France said, after he had stolen the hat from America. You repressed a shudder, and reached in...

You pulled out a a watch. It had what looked like a lion on it, with lines running in all directions around it. You opened your mouth to ask who's it was, but you were pushed into the closet with Ed. 

"Damn it!" He hissed, clipping the wall as you were pushed in. You giggled, holding out a hand to help him up. 

"Seven minutes." Roy told you with a wink as he closed the door. You weren't sure if that was directed at him, or you. Either way you ended up blushing. 

"(Name), right?" Ed asked, crossing his arms. You nodded, handing him his watch. He reached to take it, but you pulled it away. 

"What is this?" You asked, holding it in front  of his teasingly. Ed pouted for a second before he went on to explain it. 

"State alchemists get them. It's like an I.D." 

"What's a state alchemist?" 

"Someone who does alchemical research and other thing for the military slash government. It's really hard to become one."

"What's an alchemist?"

"Do you know anything?" You put your hands on your hips and huffed. 

"Of course I do!" You shouted indignantly. He rolled his gold eyes, scanning the sheleves for something. He held out a coat hanger, (a metal one, mind you). Ed clapped his hands, and changed the hanger into a little metal dog. You eyes widened. To you, it looked like magic! It even had blue light like fairy dust. 

"Whoa, how'd you do that?" You asked, taking  it from him. 

"With alchemy, I'm an alchemist. So's Al, and Roy." You hardly listened, you were trying to wrap your mind around this. 

"Do it again." You ordered, holding it out. Ed blinked, and put his hands on his hips.

"Why should I?" He asked smugly. Trying to be a tough guy, Ed? You rolled your eyes.

"I'll kiss you."

"W-what?" Looks like the tough guy isn't so tough. 

"Well, that's what seven minutes in heaven is, didn't you know that?" You asked. You could see his face was intensely blushing. You couldn't help but giggle and scoot closer to him. 

"Am I amking you nervous?" Yu teased. 

"N-no!" You scooted closer.

"Oh, yeah shortie?" The result was not what you expected.



"I'M GONN-" You cut him off with kiss. His little rant was the cutest thing he had done so far, what else would you do? Your heart rate picked up and you breathed in his scent before you pulled away. His lips we're soft and firm at the same time. 

He had smelled like soap, boy, and oil. A mechanic too? You shrugged mentally. Ed was blushing like a mad man, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. You laughed at him. Who knew so little would silence the shortie? The door opened with Roy, Jean and America looking in.

"Well, Fullmetal?" Roy asked, a smirk on his face. 

"Somebody shut him up..." Jean muttered and immediately regretted it.

"What was that, Havoc?" Ed asked, his face red with anger and embarrassment. You grabbed his arm and dragged him away and toward his brother. You needed to be around someone who was quieter. 

"Italy, give me back my cat!" Or not... At least you had the dog....

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