Not his Fault

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Germany! The most adorable of them all! (after russia of course)

You picked something warm that must've just been touched. It was a small silver coin with german inscribed on it.

"Zat's mine." Germany said, sounding panicked. He snatched the coin from your hands before you could examine it closer. You glaced at him curiously before you entered the closet. What didn't he want me to see? you asked yourself as the door closed.

"7 minutes broskis!" America said, starting the timer.

"Hi, Germany." you said, leaning against the wall.

"Hi." Germany was silent for a while.

"Yo, what's your deal?" you asked him, squinting to see him in the dark. No reply.

"Dude? What's wrong?" you pressed, taking a step forward.

"C...could I kiss you?" Germany asked, blushing faintly as he spoke. A light pink dusted your cheeks as well. You were silent for a moment, unable to reply. Finally you nodded. He leaned forward and pecked your lips once. He looked away nervously.

"I vas hoping you vould pick me..." he said quietly.

"Germany...I like you." you admitted wrapping your arms around his neck.

"How come you didn't let me look at that coin?" you inquired. He twirled you hair in his big hands clumsily. He gazed at you with axious eyes before he pulled out the coin again. You took it and held it close to you face to see to see it better. It had an eagle on it that clutched a flag in it's claw.

"Oh, I see your point..." you said, looking at the flag closer. It hada swastika on it.

"Ja, I guess you hate me now..." Germany murmmered, stepping away from you. You hugged him around the neck again and pulled him close.

"I couldn't hate you, Germany. Plus it's not your fault." you said quietly. You kissed his lips and snuggled into his chest.

"Ich beine dich." he said, hugging your waist. Germany was a bit unsure but gradually relaxed only to tense up agian when the door opened.

"Germany, did you-a kiss her?" Italy asked, standing in the doorway.

"Hey! It's my job to open the door!" Americ cried angerily behind Italy. Germany turned deep red but didn't answer. He gripped you hand tightly and lead you out quickly. You giggled and followed him happily. He kept you under his arm the rest of the night, enjoying the glow of his rare smile.

7 Minutes in Heaven, Hetalia Style!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن