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Mwhahahaha I fell evil cause a few peeps are shook lol
(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Wait...what? Them? The army!?!

They'd get hurt! Honestly, I think our badass stories moved them. But seriously, at a time like this? Lyra shot me a look of 'Are they serious?!' I sighed.

"Uhh...are you sure about this?" Tord asked, shocked.

"Yeah!" Edd replied happily.

"At a time like this?!" Tord sighed, "you'll have two weeks of training, and then be sent to war?"

Edd and Matt nodded their heads, excited. Tom looked thoughtful. At least he has some sense.

"No, I don't think so. Look. I'm sorry but you're going to get yourselves killed." Tord said softly, but sternly.

"Awww..." Matt and Edd looked down. Poor things. Oh well, it's for the best.

Tom however, looked like he came up with an idea. "As much as I wouldn't want to be under your command, how 'bout we join after this attack thing?"

Actually, that's a good plan!

Tord looked thoughtful, he pulled out his phone and checked the time. His eyes widened.

"Oh shit! Sorry guys! It's 9pm, we need to go!" He exclaimed.

"But-" Edd started.

"Here, have my number, I'll talk to you later Edd, ok? We have to get back to the hotel."

"Ok, sure!" Edd replied, handing his phone to Tord.

"Ok...done!" Tord exclaimed, standing up. Everyone else stood up walking towards the front yard.

"It's a kilometer walk, so it won't take long to get to the hotel." Tord told us as we stepped outside.

"Cya!" Edd and Matt waved their arms in farewell.

"Bye, (y/n), Lyra." Tom said, taking a swig from his flask, ignoring Tord.

"Cya!" We all replied, waving our arms and started out walk.

~Time skip~

We arrived at the hotel in no time, the entire time with Tord's metallic arm around my waist and Lyra almost squealing on my other side.

Tord led us to our hotel rooms. Paul, Patryk and Lyra had their separate rooms and of course, Tord made us share a room, with one bed. I mean, I don't mind.

Suddenly, we heard two sets of shoes sprint down the hallway, getting closer to us.

Hmm...I wonder who that is?

We all know who it is. Us three turned around laughing and immediately got pulled into a group hug from Paul and Patryk.

"You're back!" Paul exclaims and we let go.

"And you're not hurt!" Patryk added.

"Yep! We're all a-ok and ready for tomorrow!" I reply.

"So what happened? Tell us everything!" Paul asked.

"Can I sleep? It's been a looong day and I'm tired!" Lyra yawned.

"Yeah, same here." Tord yawned.

"Agreed." I chime in quietly.

"Aw, fine then, you three go sleep." Paul replied, motioning for Patryk to go with him, and the two head off.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it." Lyra winked and walked off.

Oh you ass!

I felt heat come up to my cheeks, but try to force it down. Tord grabs my hand and leads us to our room.

He unlocks to door and we walk inside. "The plane's explosion managed not to get to our suitcases and that, so luckily we still have all our clothes and stuff!" His explains.

We walk  into our bedroom. It's pretty, with (f/c) walls and bed sheets. "I already packed away your clothes for you!" Tord says taking a seat on the queen sized bed.

"Ok then, thanks! I need to change, so out ya go." I say, walking over to the closet and grabbing out some sleeping clothes.

"Aww...can't I stay and watch~" He said huskily.

I flushed, hearing him say that sent shivers down my spine. I turn around and found that sly boy smirking, looking straight at me. I walk over to him and push him outside the bedroom, and close to door, locking it.


"Aww...please min dronning~" He tried to open the door sneakily, but it was locked.

I laughed, "Good luck with that Tord!" Earning a frustrated grown from the Norwegian.

I slipped on my clothes and unlocked the door, finding Tord waiting right outside.

"About time!" He said laughing. Somehow, he already changed into some dark grey sweatpants, but kept his red hoodie.

"T-Tord!?" I almost scream as he scooped me up and threw both himself and me onto the bed.

He pulled the sheets over us, "Let's cuddle~" he breathed into my ear.

I felt my face turn red. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled up close behind me, burying his face in the crook of my neck. Before we knew it we both fell asleep.

Well...This has been a long day!

Sorry it's short but here you go, some nice fluff for ya! Thanks for all the support and stay tuned!
~Starboi •﹏•

Lives On The Line (Eddsworld) Tord x readerWhere stories live. Discover now