A lucky find

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Still on my laptop and I don't know how to work wattpad on here lol. But I'd like to say that school is back for me and I'll update every 1-3 days. If not, I'm dead lol                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Y/n)'s P.O.V

We're going to visit Blue Leader!!

Right now, Lyra and I  are strolling towards the main entrance with our luggage. Well, we just have one small suitcase each, there's not that much to pack for a 2 day trip. The doors were already open for us when we arrived at the entrance.

The same van that we travelled in to the Yellow army's base in is parked outside, with Paul sitting in the drive'rs seat. I'm guessing that Tord and Patryk are in the back.

I felt Lyra nudge me, "You remember the van we literally got thrown out, right?"

"How couldn't I?" I reply laughing.

I'm guess Patryk heard our laughter as he hopped out the back and walked over to us.

"Ready you two?" He asked. We nod our heads. "Good! We're gonna be sitting in the back, so let's go."

We hop into the back of the van, and it looks like nothing changed from when we were last in it. We put our luggage with the others as Patryk closed the door. Tord was chilling on a crate.

~Time skip~

So, us four were talking in the back the entire way. Turns out we somehow own a plane? And Paul's a pilot? Since when?!

"We're here!!" Paul calls from the front, stopping the van and stepping outside.

Patryk opened the doors and we stepped out onto a launchpad that had a small plane on it. It had the red army symbol spray painted on the wings.

"I don't like planes." Lyra huffed, crossing her arms.

"Oi suck it up!" We both laugh and walk onto the plane. 

There were only 4 rows of two seats in the main area. There was a small pathway leading to the cockpit of the plane. I saw Tord walk up behind us.

"Me, Paul and Patryk will be in the cockpit, you two stay here." We nodded our heads. Tord turned to look at me. "Cya min dronning~" He said, winking at me and walking away.

I turn red, "Oho, he can flirt with you now that it's just us!" Lyra said, smirking.

Oh god, that's gonna be embarrassing...

"Let's just sit down..." I mumbled, putting the seat belt on. Lyra took the seat next to me, laughing.

After a few minutes, the small plane took off. Me and Lyra just gossiped away while scrolling through media on our phones.

"Have you seen this account (Y/n)? They post some really funny stu-" 

Lyra was cut off by a rumbling sound coming from the back off the plane, followed by the entire plane to shake violently.  Immediately, Patryk sprinted down the plane to the engine.

"W-what was t-that?!" Lyra was trembling, and was a little bit scared.

What was that?

"I..don't..know..." I replied.

Patryk sprinted down the plane again, his eyes flashed with desperation and fear. Lyra started breathing heavily at the sight of him scared.

Something's wrong...terribly wrong...

I heard panicked shouting coming from the front of the plane, ok, now I'm scared.


I heard Paul yell into the intercom. WE'RE GOING DOWN!

I looked out the window, we were going down and fast. The clouds were ripping past the window. Lyra started crying and shaking, staring straight through me as if in shock.

Is this the end?

"L-lyr-" I was cut off.

There was a loud crash, then nothing. It was as if I was conscious, but everything around me was dark, and lifeless.

Am I...dead?

I felt calm here, dangerously calm. Out the corner of my eye I see a small, white light. It feels like I'm being called to it.. I run towards it, and it gets bigger and bigger until my vision flashed with white.

What's happening..?

And then, I opened my eyes. I was in... a hospital bed? I look down. Ok, good, just small cuts, bruises and burns, I should be discharged today. I look over to my left shoulder and see Lyra in a hospital bed with about the same injuries. Good, we don't have time for injuries to heal at this time, we have to move, and fast.

But where's Tord!? And Paul and Patryk?!

"Lyra.. you awake? We need to get out of here..." I ask slowly, she might be sleeping.

"N-no, I'm fine..."

~Time skip~

We got discharged pretty quickly, there were no major injuries so we were fine, I've had way worse! Right now, we're strolling through a park, figuring out what to do.

"Wait, we lost all our things in the crash!! What are we going to do?!" I shake Lyra.

"Oh no... how are we going to get back to Tord, Paul and Patryk!!" Lyra starts panicking.

"Ok, let's calm down, first we need a place to stay." I say, thinking out loud.

Oh god, what are we gonna do?

"Hey! Are you that person that knew Tord I met in the theatres?!" We heard a british voice say.

I turn around, and there I saw Edd in his green hoodie, running towards us. He held out his hand.

"Y-you said you needed a place to stay? Well we have a pretty big couch at our place!" He offered kindly.

"Really?!" You could practically see the stars in Lyra's eyes. 

He's so kind!!

"Yeah! Follow me!"

We talked on the way to his house, but Edd seemed desperate to know how Tord's doing and what we knew about him. We told him that Tord's doing well, but we mentioned nothing about his job and who he is to us, ESPECIALLY about me being his girlfriend.

"And... we're here! We had a house like this, but that got destroyed, and we didn't really like apartments, so we got another big house to live in!" He lead us into a tan house with a red roof.

He lead us into the living room, "Hey Tom, Matt, guess who I found!"

Surprise, surprise! Tom and the ginger, who I guess is Matt, was watching a show on a large flat screen TV. Tom turned around with grunt, but then his eyes widen in surprise.

"Is that...?" He asked Edd.

"Yep, they need a place to stay for now!" Edd replied happily.

Matt turned around, "Ooooh hello strangers! Can I braid your hair?" He said, hopping off the couch and shaked our hands quickly.

This is going to be a weird day...


Hello, right now I'm stressing that this story is not showing up right on your phones, so please don't be silent and comment if something's wrong! I'm stressing that this isn't turning out right! Please don't be silent and thank you all for supporting me <3


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