Safe and sound - Mission finale

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So this is the last part of the mission in this story, not the actual story. I just wanted to say that cause it might cause some cofuffles!
(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat up in the middle of the soft forest clearing. The sun was just starting the rise, giving the sky a beautiful orange-red colour. I recalled all the events that happened last night, and winced as my shoulder throbbed in pain from the gunshot.

I was wearing the bloodied yellow army sweater, except the entire sleeve of my injured arm was torn off and there was bloodied bandages tightly wrapped around my shoulder. I looked over at Lyra, still sleeping soundly on the grass.

She was slightly less bloody and there was a massive bruise on the side of cheek. I'm guessing there was alot bandages underneath her sweater, which was slightly torn. I look over and see Paul and Patryk sleeping on eachother's shoulders.

Aww, if only I had my phone here!

I wake up Lyra, Paul and Patryk. I was struggling to walk, probably from the pain killers Patryk gave me. Lyra seemed just as weak.

"Morning, n/n." They all said.

"We have to get moving, the base is a couple of miles away." Patryk tells us.

"Ugh..." Lyra mumbles, she must be grumpy, after what she's been through.

"Let's go then." I sigh, clutching my shoulder in my other hand, gently, the bullet's still in there.

~Time skip~

Paul and Patryk seemed to brighten us up, as always, throughout the day with their playful jokes and funny stories. It managed to make me and Lyra seem more like ourselves, especially when our whole bodies acked and bled lightly.

"...we basically brought up Tord from that day on, and eventually he became leader!" Paul was telling us about Tord's past when he wasn't leader.

Somehow, Tord seems to brighten up my day, even when he's just mentioned!

I pushed away a blush as we kept walking through the trees and bushes, me and Lyra fumbling a little bit.

"Annnnnnd I think we're here!" Paul exclaims pointing at the red army base, my home, and the place I've missed so much. A light blush spread to my cheeks,

I get to see Tord again!

But as soon as we reached the doors, my vision goes all blurry as one of the guards leave to fetch Tord. My arm! It's bleeding a lot more than the past hour, and I can feel my consciousness slipping away.

"(Y/N)!!! Hang in there!!" Lyra feebly yells at me. I sway on my feet, and everything goes black.

The gunshot wound...

Tord's P.O.V

I sigh, it's another day waiting for (y/n) to return. I sent Paul and Patryk undercover because I was getting worried about her. I haven't done this before to any soldier...and I think the two gay boys caught on.

I shouldn't be loving (y/n), but I can't help it...

The way her (h/c) hair flowed, and how I get lost in her (e/c) eyes. Her smile could brighten my day.

I get interrupted from my thoughts when I could hear a soldier come running to my office.

"Come in." I say. The door opens and one of the guards from the main entrance came rushing in.

"Calm down, soldier. What is it?" I ask calmly.

"They're back!" I smile.

"Ok, I'm coming." I reply, getting up from my chair.

I walked swiftly down the halls to the entrance, my heart brimming with joy. They all came out alive! Especially (y/n)...I've noticed that I now feel more emotion ever since that day I met her. But as I turned the corner happily, my heart stops dead.

I saw (y/n), unconscious in Patryk's arms. She was wearing the yellow army sweater with the left sleeve torn off. Her shoulder was tightly bandaged with bloody bandages and her arm was bleeding and littered with bruises.

Lyra had similar injuries, but they weren't bleeding, and Paul and Patryk look fine. What happened?!

I..I can't lose you...

"What happened!?!" I confronted Paul and Patryk.

"Boss, we need to get (y/n) to the medics, she got shot in the shoulder." Patryk reported. I nod, following them to the medics.

~Time skip~

(Y/n) just went into surgery to remove the bullet and Lyra's recovering. I pased my office, worried about (y/n). I haven't felt this way about anyone before and want her to know this! But how? I sigh and put my head in my hands.

Paul and Patryk enter the office and take the two seats in front of me.

"Boss? Are you alright?" Patryk asked.

"Yeah, I'm just stressed. Please tell me, what happened?"

"We were sent by Yellow leader to pick up (y/n) and drop her off to her cell after...s-she was..." Paul stammered.

"She...what?" I have a feeling I know what they're going to say...

"She and Lyra got tortured, boss." Paul replied softly.

I slammed my fists onto the table.


"WHY?" I growled.

"I'm guessing they were caught sir." Patryk said sympatheticly.

"Boss, you seem like you've gotten attached to (y/n)." Paul said quietly. I feel my face heat up. "Do you like her?" He said smirking.

Ok now I was flustered. "W-what makes you believe that?!"

"Well, your showing stronger emotions than usual, and ya face is flushed." Patryk stiffled some laughter.

"O-ok, maybe I do! But w-we need to focus on the mission they just did. Did they tell you anything?"

Paul smirked, "Your secret's safe with us. But they were too weak to say much, as if they didn't want to recall it."

I nod my head, the heat fading from my face. "Anything else?"

"Oh yeah, straight after we escaped, (y/n) told me to keep this and give it to you until she's able to describe what happened with Lyra." Paul replied, handing me a folded bit of paper.

"Ok, and one last question, how did she get shot?"

"Guard shot her before she got into the vents."

I growled. "Ok, thanks you two, see you later."

"Cya boss." They both said and left.

Somehow, those two can act like my parents, but still call me boss. I sigh, opening the bit of paper (y/n) gave to Patryk.

They'll pay for this, stupid yellow army.

Is was...a map of our camp! How'd they get this!? There was arrows scribbled on the paper in yellow and green, but I couldn't figure out what it meant. (Y/n) and Lyra would probably explain it to me later.

Does (y/n) like me back? I hope she gets well soon...

Did you miss ya boi Tord? Be honest, I know you did ;-) jk jk
Also, expect to see Tom, Edd and Matt soon!(this is after the end,  btw)
~Starboi •﹏•

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