Chapter 20 - Full of hunger and need

Start from the beginning

Some of the dresses were so ugly, they made us laugh. Others were beyond beautiful. “Okay! I’ve seen enough. Who is helping me try on dresses?” Ali must of seen the concern on my face as she piped up first. I didn't want my mum seeing how fragile and destroyed my body was, or Colby. I didn't want to seem rude though, so I asked.

Ali helped me into the changing rooms, and helped me into the many dresses.

“Ali, I’m tired and hurting. Please can we go.” I was sitting on the stool inside the changing rooms, hunched over in pain. Ali sighed. “One dress? And then we go?”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. Lifting my hand I pointed to one of them hanging up. “I want to try on that one.” Ali called in an assistant who worked there; I didn't quite catch her name, to help us. She didn't ask questions at my decaying figure, but I knew she was dying to. She was afraid to touch me, and her eyes never tore to the poking bones.

“I have cancer.” I gave her the ‘what-can you-do’ shrug and looked down at the gown they were adjusting for me. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay. Really it is.” I’ve gotten used to it.

My body was flagging, and I didn't know how to make it to the car, or to the house. “Okay. This one is amazing! Look in the mirror.” Nodding, I turned around to face the mirror. Oh my. This one, the last one I tried on; is the one.


The smile never fell from my lips, even when I was falling asleep. After another half hour of measuring every inch of me, and getting shoes slid onto my feet to see what they looked like, I was able to leave.

Mum was thrilled with my decision, Ali and Colby also. Of course my mother cried, but I was getting used to her crying now. As horrible as that was.

Arriving home, I had no energy. Colby opened my door, and then told me to climb on her back. She ‘piggyback’ carried me into the house and up the stairs. I was falling asleep, but tried my hardest to keep myself awake. She placed me on my bed and sat beside me.

“The dress is beautiful.” I smiled. It really was. “Can you do me a favour?” She nodded. “Anything.” “I have a colour theme, but I need some help with the bridesmaid dresses and other things. Can you and Ali look for some dresses?” She nodded. “Of course. What colour?”

“Gold.” Carlisle’s favourite colour. “It will be the wedding of the decade.” She assured me, before kissing my forehead and leaving. Pulling my shoes off, and throwing my coat on the floor. I slid under the covers and fell into a slumber.


“He won’t want you. Look at you. You are a wreck. He will move on sweetheart. He always does.” I was in the graveyard once more. The female voice was loud, but I didn't know where it was coming from.

Spinning around, I screamed at the darkness. “You know nothing!” A cold, spine chilling laugh sounded. “But I do. I know you Elora Summers. I know you love Carlisle with all your small, petty heart. You are just a child. He likes us, all of us our brunette.” I stopped spinning, I was panting. Struggling to find the cool air into my lungs, it was just muggy and thick.

“What do you mean? Who are you?” I was screaming frantically. The thick black fog around me, began to lift. Turning I was surrounded by people in black cloaks. There was six in total.

“We, were you once. He will never change.” The hoods came down, I stopped breathing. They all looked like me. Apart from differences with hair colours. But they all looked alike. We all look alike. What the?

“Darling! Darling wake up!” I was pulled from the world, and into the real world. I was struggling to breathe, a layer of sweat glazed my body. “Darling you were having a nightmare. Are you okay?” Carlisle was beside me, looking around we were in darkness. I slept till the night.

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