Unlike hers there was hundreds of ones from Elena. Alessia froze for a moment in disbelief almost.

'How can Elena be sending him text when she's dead?' Alessia thought to herself. 'Maybe she wasn't dead all along'.

Alessia looked over to her twin when Klaus was focused on driving, sending him a message through twin telepathy almost. That she knew what he was hiding. Alessia knew she couldn't let Klaus know since he was full on board thinking that the doppelganger was dead.


Klaus had talked her through his plan of action to see if Ray Sutton is inside of the house or not. Plan A was to get invited in and then Plan B was to use brute force aka Stefan. It has been the same as the last places they have stopped at.

"Rudy! Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you" They could hear the voice of someone calling a lost dog, it must be one of the people who lives in the house.

Klaus looked to her seeing if she was ready and knew what to do, she nodded her head in answer. The two Mikaelson's appeared in front of the woman making her jump in surprise, not knowing that they are there.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus spoke apologizing in a fake American accent, Alessia laughed a little hearing him.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked looking to them both. "Yeah, my car hmm, our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. Eh we feel like I've been walking forever yours is the first house I come to so I was just hoping I could use your phone?" He lied going through any cover up story he normally used.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She asked them but the two shook their heads in response.
"Huh, yeah..." Klaus began to say before pulling out his phone he purposely turned off.

"Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer I just wanna use your phone." He lied trying to gain her trust enough to be invited in, Alessia wanted to laugh a little at him saying he wasn't a serial killer but kept a straight face for the act.

"What about your phone?" She could see that the woman wasn't believing that both their batteries had died at the same time.

"It got smashed because Nik here decided to throw my phone out of the car window" She pointed out truthfully glaring at Klaus who stood beside her trying to look innocent in it all.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Klaus answered back. The woman chuckled a little watching the two of them have their little squabble.

"Sure" The woman sighed agreeing. "Soo, we can come in?" Klaus asked giving a fake smile to draw her in. "No, I'll get you the phone and I'll bring it out to you" She wasn't sorft enough to left them inside of the house.

Alessia watched as Klaus's face turned sour, he wasn't happy one bit.

"I thought your country folks were supposed to be more trusting." he spoke in annoyance going back to his normal accent instead of the fake American one he had been using.

"I'm from Florida." The woman shot back to him. "Well, that explains it. "He appeared in front of her grabbing her throat and compelling her.

"Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea." He threatened, soon compelling their way into the house.

When entering the house there was a voice speaking out thinking it was the other woman.

"bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." She commented, when turning around she had noticed the three of them walking in. Klaus was holding the nape of the woman's neck with one hand, she was sobbing in fear.

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