Chapter Twenty-Four:

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"Smile" The photographer shouted as Harry placed his hand on my lower back; the rest of us smiling at the camera.

"I am being blinded by the bloody light" Harry mumbled in my ear, making me giggle at the comment, completely agreeing with every word he said.

"And I" I laugh as he takes one more.

The bell rings, meaning that we were due to go to the dining room. Harry and I sat at the top table, alongside Katherine and Jack; their family too. Harry looked to Isabell who was sat beside Jim, laughing with him.

"She seems nice" I try to make conversation.

"Nice?" He laughs at my compliment.

"I was trying to be kind" I grinned, rolling my eyes at him.

"Well thank you then" He smiles and tucks into his lunch that was set out in front of us.

As we tucked in, Harry went over to talk to Jacks family, while I spoke with Betty who had moved where Harry was sat.

"I cannot wait to hear Harry do his speech." Betty grinned as she drank her champagne.

"Neither can I" I grinned as I looked to Harry who was standing on the other side, getting his papers ready to start his speech.

"Can I have everyone's attention" Harry called out, waiting until the noise went down. "Thank you" He smiled as everyone went silent.

Turning to the top table, he looked towards me and smiled. He quickly flicked through his papers and read them through.

"I would like to start off on behalf of Jack and Katherine, for thanking you for coming today and supporting them in this holy day." He began. "Right, so where do I start! What the hell took them so long?"

We all laughed and Jack raised his hands in the air in defence as Katherine agreed with Harry.

"Before we get to the ritual character assassination of the groom that forms the basis of a traditional best man's speech I would like to comment and praise the bridesmaids who of course look absolutely gorgeous and did a fantastic job." Harry looked to me and I blushed bright red, looking down. "It was a great honour to be asked by Jack to be his best man on this important day in his life. And I want to thank Katherine for treating him as he deserves; she is incredible and an amazing wife for Jack."

"I did ask for a microphone today, but I was told that one wasn't available. So if you can't hear me at the back, the silence from the people at the front, should reassure you that you're not missing anything good." Harry laughed as we all joined in the laughter. "For those of you, who do not know me, I am Harry and I am Jacks best friend. I feel that I've done my duty well so far today, all things considered. I delivered a sober groom to the church on time – well he was definitely on time! I provided the rings on cue, and as I give this speech now, I don't think I'm going to offend or embarrass anyone. What can I say about Jack? Well he's handsome, witty, intelligent, charming, good looking, per....per....- sorry Jack, I'm having trouble reading your writing. When we were kids, Jack refused to speak to girls. He only liked cowboys and Indians, builders, motorbikes, the policy and the army. Well, it was good enough for the village people, so who am I to judge."

"Before I toast the happy couple and get a well-earned drink, let me just say that despite the magnificent way I have delivered this speech, I am not a professional and did it for nothing – and I'm sure you'll agree, it was worth every penny. On a more serious note Jack, we have had some excellent times together and I know that we will continue to do so in the future. You have been a great brother to me over the years, and it has been a great honour to have been your best man today. I am going to leave you with a poem:

A million stars up in the sky

one shines brighter I can't deny

A love so precious a love so true

a love that comes from me to you

The angels sing when you are near

within your arms I have nothing to fear

You always know just what to say

just talking to you makes my day

I love you honey with all of my heart

Together forever and never to part." Harry looked to me and I let out a small tear, quickly wiping it up before anyone else saw. I knew Harry saw it but that did not worry me.

"I would like to say best of luck to the two of you; I really am delighted for the both of you. I hope you have a long and happy future together. It now gives me immense pleasure, not to mention relief to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses to the new Mr & Mrs Johnson, Jack and Katherine." Harry grinned. Everyone raised there glasses, repeating the words 'To Jack and Katherine'.

"Please may be all go into the ballroom for more dancing and entertainment" Jack smiled as everyone stood up, walking to the ballroom in the house. As I walked out, I felt Harry's presence beside me through the crowd of people.

"That was such a good speech" Betty smiled as she linked arms with me. "Don't you think?"

"It was amazing" I smile and I feel Harry brush his hand past mine.

My heart beat went faster and faster every time I felt Harry near me.

"I cannot believe Edward did not show up" Katherine frowned as she linked my other arm.

"Let us not talk about him" I smile. "It is a happy occasion. Katherine are you ready for your first dance with your husband?"

"I cannot wait." She grinned. "I am a bit nervous though."

"Do not panic" I giggle. "You shall dance beautifully I am sure."

"I hope" She grins and she walks to her husband who envelopes her in a hug, about to share their first dance as husband and wife. 

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