Chapter Eighteen:

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We sat down together, talking about the situation and what was going to happen to mine and Harry's relationship. I knew he would not want to be with me anymore. After all I am to be married. Forced to be married. Katherine and Betty reassured me, telling me that things will work out for the best and I should not worry. I know they were only trying to help, but I could not help but think – they are not me, they think I can sit back and wait until the moment passes and things will work out. Yes I am a believer in things happen for reasons, whether we know why or not – but sometimes a change has to be made in order for those things to happen, they can be avoided or a small passover.

"Does he know?" I ask, getting a headache.

"I do not know Rose" Betty sighed. "But I think he shall find out soon"

"Oh my Gosh!" I yell. "Why does my life have to be so shite?!" The girls hugged me and I looked to the window.

"I will have lost him forever" I bite my lip and I look to the two of them.

The girls have supported me throughout this mayhem. They trust me and know my feelings for Harry but they know how I do not want to disobey my grandparents. You are probably wondering, why on earth I would ever agree to do something I do not want to do. Well I can answer that. For years, I have lived with my grandparents, knowing no other family than them. They have been a huge influence – the only influence- In my life. They were always there when I was sick, when I felt alone they were by my side and when I wanted to make memories, they were always there; supporting me and being a part of them.

I felt as if I owed them this. That this was my way to repay them. To say thank you for all those sacrifices they made for me. It was my way, to almost give them back something. My heart was screaming at me, telling me I was a fool. Whereas my head, was trying to logistically think of ways to ensure all parties are happy – but to ultimately follow my grandfather's orders.

"I think you need to speak to him" Katherine smiled as she tied my hair up.

"I know I do" I sighed looking towards her. "I am just scared I shall lose him as a friend as well."

"Rose" Betty sighed. "That is the least of your issues. Go talk to him. Explain everything to him and I am sure he shall understand. Maybe not straight away, but it will take him a lot of time"

"I need to see him now" I wiped my nose on my tissue Katherine had given me. I stood up and then looked to the two girls in front of me. "Promise me I shall never lose you two?"

"Never!" Betty and Katherine agreed sincerely.

"Good" I smiled. "For I would never forgive myself"

"You have not wronged us." Katherine smiled holding my hand. "Neither Harry, but you just need to explain the situation with him"

I hugged them and walked out of Betty's house, wanting to go to see Harry. My stomach was doing flips and I could not control my anxious behaviour. I was nervous and I wanted to be sick, but I knew I would have to pull it together and suck it up.

"Whore" I heard someone say as I walked down the streets. As I looked, I saw Caitlin standing there. I continued to walk, not wanting to talk to her; I was afraid I would do something to her that at this moment in time, I would not regret.

"First you want Harry and now Edward?" She glared as she followed me down the road. "Hey listen to me when I am talking to you!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to face her.

"What do you want?" I snapped. "Leave me the hell alone and piss back off to Paris."

"How dare you speak to me like that?" She gasped as she got angrier. By this time, my blood was boiling and I was ready to rip her eyes out, but the only thing holding me back was, I knew it is illegal.

"I can talk to you however I want to." I snarled. "Get involved in my business anymore and I will do something that you shall never forget. Now piss off!"

"Do it then" She yelled back to me. I glared at her, when I saw the group of boys walking around the corner, Harry at the back with bloodshot eyes and a bruised cheek. Jack looked at me sympathetically, whereas Jim was just glaring at me.

"Do it!" She yelled louder and shoved me back.

"Fine then" I mumbled and then pushed her to the ground. She pulled me on top of her and began to pull on my hair. The sound of yelling and 'piss off' were thrown around; meanwhile the boys were trying to break us apart.

"You are a whore!" She yells as Jack pulls me off her and Jim holds her arms back. "You played Harry!"

"No I did not!" I screamed, so exhausted by the whole thing. "I never wanted any of this to happen! I love Harry! You do not know a thing!"

"I know you are a slut" she snarled.

I tried to pull so hard from Jacks grip, crying and becoming more and more exhausted. Everything was becoming a blur; Caitlin continued to shout nasty things to me and I just took the words as they hit me each time. That is when I saw Harry stand in front of me and throw me over his shoulder as he walked away from everyone else. I cried into his back as he walked through the forest.

He came to a standstill and put me down. His eyes looked so hurt and upset, nothing like the used to look like.

"Harry-"I began but he cut me off with his hand lifting up.

"I do not want to know Rose." He whispered. "I do not want to hear anything else."

"Why did you take me away?" I asked as a tear trickled down my face.

"I may really dislike you right now." He began. "But I still love you and I cannot see anyone hurt you like that"

"What is happening to us?" I whispered after a few moments of silence. Harry just looked to me, then looked to the sky; I could tell her was trying to keep his emotions inline. But it feared it would not last for very long.

"I am to leave tomorrow morning to America" He stuttered. "So I guess we need to end things now."

"Harry please-"I interrupted but he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Ro you are to marry him" He cried. "I cannot stop that. You may care for him but –"

"I do not care for him!" I stressed as I frowned. "I only care for you"

"Then why marry him!" He yelled.

I went silent.

To be honest, I did not know. The only thing was to make my grandfather happy.

"Look it does not matter anymore Rose" He shook his head. "It is done."

"I love you" I stuttered as my lip started to quiver.

"I love you too Rose" He kissed my forehead. "But it is over and always will be."

I scrunched my nose up as I leant my head on his chest. Trying to relieve the pain. Wanting this horrible nightmare to go away.

But I knew it was a nightmare, I will keep on living. 

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