Chapter Two:

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(Castle Combe forest)

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(Castle Combe forest)

I gently took her other arm and helped her up. We walked along the street and I walked us to my Grandfathers shop, my Grandmother walked in front of us as she led us to our front room. Myself and the mysterious yet attractive young man slowly place Alice on the settee; my Grandmother tells me to get a cloth and cold water to wipe her face. I run to the bathroom and get a flannel, running it under the cold tap; then wringing it out and then I rush back, slowly wiping Alice's face as she cries into me.

Alice then falls asleep almost instantly. The young man went downstairs with my Grandmother, down to the shop. As I check that Alice is okay, I rush downstairs and think about her children. I panic as I go down and shout to my grandmother that I need to go and find John, Samantha and Mary. Once I get to the shop floor, I see the three children playing outside the shop door with Ginny's child. Ginny looks to me, alongside everyone else and smiles widely. I blush and a 'Oh' comes from my mouth, slightly embarrassed by my sudden outburst.

"I sincerely apologise." I mutter, definitely going red. "I did not realise the children were already here" 

"No need to apologise dear" Grandmother smiled, making me feel a lot better. "How is she?"

I smiled and then zoned out for a moment. Thinking how I would feel if I was in Alice's situation. Thinking how would I feel? Frowning slightly, I could not try to begin to imagine what she is feeling. She just wants her beloved back home. Just like anyone else who sacrificed their love one to the war. I guess seeing the other soldiers come home, was her icing on the cake on how desperately she wanted James back.

"She is trying her best to stay calm" I sighed, then pushes a stray hair behind my ear. "Seeing them come from the car and not seeing James was just the tipping point for her."

"Bless her." Anne muttered. "We are so fortunate that our Harry is back"

My heart stopped for a second and then she hugs the young man who had helped earlier with Alice. He blushes and laughs, having a face of relief to be home. Which I did not blame him for. I smiled slightly and then blushed. I had not seen Harry for years. But boy he was very attractive. His hair was fairly short and brown, but fell perfectly. He looked towards me and smiled, which brought me back to when we were children. That famous smile he would pull when he did something wrong.

"Ah Harry! I almost forgot" Grandmother gasped. "You remember Rose"

I laughed slightly and he stepped forward slightly.

"It has been a while" He breaths out, laughing. "But it is nice to see you again. You have changed a lot."

"Same to you" I replied back blushing slightly, acting very shy.

That is when I heard a child cry. I automatically panicked, as I did not want any harm to come to Alice's children while she was not feeling 100%. Running out of shop, I saw a strange man, in his mid-thirties holding Mary as she was crying. I moved to the man, I took Mary off of him and tried to calm her down, shushing her; which eventually seemed to calm the small toddler down. The man took off his hat and then bowed his head slightly. My Grandfather came out and introduced himself, introducing the rest of us that were standing there.

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