Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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Emotional pain leaves invisible scars, yet they can be traced by the most gentle of touch. Sometimes, like a cyst, the "wound" must be opened to be healed; other times a well-meaning person may seek to heal what should be left alone. If it can be ignored and a normal happy life resumed, isn't it kinder to have faith in the natural healing process?

I've never been a person to hold a grudge, instead seeking to understand the motives of another. It doesn't mean there is no scar, only that I need have no forgiveness of the other. To forgive you must first resent, or at least that is my understanding. Perhaps that's why I heal so well, I'm not sure. But either way, my life is wonderful.

Nobody wants to hurt, yet if my pains can be used to help others, I am blessed. Anyhow, perhaps my scars are my road-map; maybe I'd be lost without them.

Apparently I can blame evolutionary biology for my painful memories. I wish I could put them in the garbage can where they belong and forget. Or better yet bury them deep underground. I'm told that our brains are hardwired from caveman times to remember the bad stuff more to help keep you alive. Which is ironic really, now what I need is the good stuff, the fun stuff, the uplifting and hopeful. So I mentally hold my hand up to those thoughts like a policeman stopping traffic and go on with my day. I take pictures of every good and happy thing that happens and make an album. Then when my brain hands me that shite again I have something to fight it with, real ammunition, and not some fake counsellor bollocks.

I put my hands on my head, allowing the tears to slowly fall down my face. That was when I was irrupted by the sound of the door handle rattling. As I moved away from the door, I stood up and saw Martin standing there. I looked to him.

"Go and see him" He smiled as he handed me my jacket.

"Oh Martin" I cried as I hugged him tightly. "Thank you. Thank you"

He smiled as I pulled back, running downstairs and out the door. I ran to the train station, looking at my watch as I ran. It was 2 minutes before Harry got on his train. Running faster than ever before, I arrived at the station and looked to the conductor at one of the trains.

"Which platform is it to London?" I stressed.

"Three mam" He smiled and I thanked him, running up the stairs to platform.

The train was pulling into the station as I had reached the top of the stairs. Pushing people out the way as gently as I could, mumbling a 'sorry' as I ran past them, I started to shout Harry's name. I ran faster as I heard the whistle go off. I got the platform and I looked around for Harry.

"Harry?" I called out.


"Excuse have you seen a boy with brown hair and tall?" I asked people as they walked by.

As the conductor blew the last whistle, the train started up, calling the horn. It started to depart from the station, slowly and in my infinite wisdom I started to run after it. It started to get faster as I chased further.

"No!" I shouted as it went faster, finally leaving the station. "No, no, no."

"Now Rose, that is not very lady like the shout in public" I heard Harry grin from behind me.

"Harry!" I squeal as I run to him and jump on him. "Oh Harry"

"You came for me" I grinned from ear to ear.

"Of course I did Harry" I kissed his lips firmly. Our lips moved with each other's, the sparks flying off each other causing fireworks to explode.

"What did Edward say?" Harry asked as he put me down to the ground. I looked to him and then to my feet. "Rose?"

"I have to tell you something" I mumble, which I know concerned him a lot. "Just do not go insane Harry"

"No promise Rose" His nostrils flared as he picked up his things as we walked out of the station. "Now please tell me"

"Last night I had this dream." I began. "It felt so real, where my grandparents told me to follow my heart, which led me to want you. I have never loved Edward and I shall never love him. So as soon as I woke up, I got changed immediately and went to go and see you. But I could not open the door. It was locked."

"He locked it" Harry mumbled "That son of a -"

"Yes he did, so I continued to hit on the door. Then it clicked to me, he must have known what I was planning on doing. But how? You know that note you left me?" I asked and he nodded his head. "I put it under my pillow but it was gone when I checked earlier on. He had it. That is when the door opened and he and his father came in."

"What happened Rose?" Harry spoke stressed out.

"He told me that they gave you this job" I bit on my lip to stop the waterworks. "So they could take me away from you"

Without another word said, Harry made a runner and carrying all of his bags with him. I watched him as he ran off; trailing behind him and trying to catch up with his fast pace.

"Wait Harry" I called. "I told him that it was always you and never going to be him."

He stopped running and turned to me.

"Did he touch you?" He asked me as he grabbed my shoulders. I stayed silent, not wanting to add more fuel to his rage. "Rose for damn sake, did he touch you!"

I nodded my head and he walked off again.

"He locked me in the room and told me if he found out I left, I could never go back there Harry!" I stressed as I walked after him. "That is when Martin, the butler helped me get out. He helped me Harry. Please stop."

He continued to walk at a fast pace to Edwards house. Me stressing out as I ran after him; looking around, I saw Jim and Ken walking in our direction.

"Jim!" I called. "Ken!" Their attention was on me and I pointed to Harry.

"You have to help me!" I shouted as Harry entered the house, seeing that Edward was back at home.

Oh shoot.

Lord help us all.

I'm In The Mood For Love (Dunkirk Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant