Chapter Six:

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"You are behaving like Hooligans!" He snarls as he comes close to me.

I stand there saying nothing; holding my tongue so I do not step out of line. But I think in this case, it only makes him angrier. He grabs my arms and shakes me, making me look at him; but I do not make a sound. I was terrified.

"Answer me when I am talking to you!" He yells.

Nothing comes out but a muffle of a tremble that comes from my lips. This seems to amuse him more, that he was making me feel inferior. Making me feel so worthless and petrified. He pushes me to the side and I stumble back. Walking over to the children, he grabs them; ignoring their plea to stay for a little bit longer. I stand there not knowing what to do or say, as I could not believe Alice would allow a man to treat her children like that. John was resisting and refusing to move.

"No I am staying here!" He yelled. "You are not my daddy!"

Just as Lark hears that last comment, he raises his hand to hit him. I quickly step forward to block it and I grab his hand to ensure John was not hurt. I stared at him and again stayed quieter than I have ever done before.

"I am so sick and tired of you getting in the goddamn way!" He bellows to me. "You are useless just like your pathetic mother and father were."

This time I intended to say something. I was livid, mad and I would not hold back to this bully anymore. I shoved Lark back as the kids ran to Alice for somewhat protection.

"Do not talk about them like that!" I screamed, continuing to shove him back. "Ever. Again!"

As I went to throw a last hit to his chest, he grabbed my wrists with his large; raising his right hand to get into contact with my right cheek. It reaches my cheek, making me fall to the ground by the blunt force he showed; with no remorse whatsoever. He laughed as he left me whimpering on the floor, the children had started to cry and were dragged away by Alice and Lark.

Whimpering away, I felt a small hand come onto my shoulder and Luke stood over me and saw I was bleeding. He then started to cry, but I immediately tried to calm him down; telling him that I was okay, I just hurt myself. But the small boy continued to cry until his mother came out, Ginny and saw me on the floor, with a bruised cheek and a small cut that was in the middle of the bruise.

"Harry!" She panicked and I shook my head.

"No Ginny" I called out to her. "I am fine really"

I went to stand up but I stumbled down, but Ginny held onto me. She sent Luke inside to get someone but I could not stop whimpering in pain.

"Who did this to you?" She asked and I looked to her in fear.

"Lark" I muttered.

"That son of a b-"She began but was cut off by Harry running to us.

He touched my chin slowly as he tilted it up to see what happened. I blushed as he stared at me, looking into his eyes I saw his calm sea like eyes, turn stormy and cloudy.

"Who did this to you?" He snapped as he looked to me.

I stayed quiet not wanting him to get more angry when I told him who.

"Who Rose?" He snapped once again making me turn away in fright.

"Harry stop being so hard on her." Ginny scolded him and then mumbled 'Lark' to him.

Before we could stop him Harry started to walk out of the park.

"Harry!" Ginny yelled.

"Oh my goodness" I squealed, scared for him.

I pulled away from Ginny slowly and tried my best to catch up with Harry. He was walking so fast and I could not keep up with his long legs. I keep pleading with him to come back, but he does not listen to a word I say.

"Harry please stop" I yell to him. "Harry!"

He turns around and looks to me, grabbing my arms gently; and then brushing my stray hair away from my face.

"I am so furious Rose!" He groaned and then hit the wall that was beside me.

I say nothing but put a hand on his back as he turns away from me. I slowly reach for his hand and turn him around slowly, back to face me. His eyes became less stormy than before. However the only thing that allowed me to see anything was the light of the moon.

"Calm down" I whispered in a hush tone, making Harry close his eyes instantly.

He opened them slowly and then looked towards me with a slight smile on his face. I smile back and then move closer to him, hugging into his chest. He sighs and hugs me back, kissing the top of my head soothingly.

"If he touches you again." He groans. "I will kill him"

I smile into his chest, nodding my head; wanting to savour this moment for the rest of my life. Suddenly I hear Ginny calling out our names, wondering where we have gotten too. I looked up to him.

"I should go" I exhaled, not wanting to leave him.

"Okay" He smiled and then kisses my cheek. "I will walk you back."

"Oh Harry you do not have to do that. I am sure I can – "I began but was cut off by him picking me up bridal style; making me squeal and giggle nonstop.

He put me down once he got to the door. Then I laughed as I got off, leaning against the door, I opened up the door and invited Harry in quickly. As he walked through, he picked me up and placed me on the counter. He put his hand to my cheek and leans in. My stomach elopes with butterflies and I lean in to feel his lips on mine. Before we even had the chance to touch lips, the light to go upstairs came on, revealing my Grandfather. I quickly got down from the side before he noticed and stood beside Harry.

"Is that you Rose?" Grandfather asked as he peaked his head round.

"Yes it is Grandfather." I softly spoke so I would not wake up Grandmother up.

He finally got to the last step and turned his head to see Harry standing there. Smiling my Grandfather put his hand out to Harry.

"Master Martin" He smiled and friendly shook Harry's hand. "Thank you for bringing her back in one piece."

I smiled and put my head down, so he would not see the cut on my face that had died down a bit. Harry smiled back then looked to me.

"You are more than welcome sir." He spoke still staring at me.

"Please it is George" He insisted as Harry turned to my grandfather smiling graciously.

I looked at the two of them.

"I think I shall go to bed" I smiled. "I have an early day tomorrow."

I go to Harry and kiss his cheek slowly.

"Goodnight Harry" I whisper. "Thank you for everything"

I kiss my grandfather's cheek and then I retire to my bedroom. It is not a while on until I hear the door shut for the night. Thoughts swarmed my head, thinking of the possibilities it could be. Maybe it was to do with what happened tonight? That was my only conclusion and the only think that truly made any sense to mention.

As I lay into my cover, I stayed there looking up to the celling. My thoughts replayed what had just happened about half an hour ago – where Harry nearly kissed me. Just thinking about it gave me the Goosebumps and butterflies; he just made me feel so special and happy. More than anyone else had made me feel.

Commanding myself to get some sleep, my last thoughts were of Harry, with his hands on my waist and with him actually kissing me.

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