Chapter Seven:

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I woke up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. My tummy starts to rumble from the delicious smell that filled my bedroom. As I stood up, I walked over to my vanity set and sat down on the stool, beginning to untie my braids. I do not know why but I have always found that the most calming and satisfying thing to do; it is a bit weird I know but it just made me feel happy! Looking in the mirror, I saw that my small cut had a small bruise around it and nothing like a bit of powder will cover it up. Choosing my outfit, I then did my hair and made sure that I looked lovely, as we were going to London today to get some clothing. Grandfather had given me some money to get a new dress as I have not had one since the war started. But now it is over, they are beginning to sell them again. I went into the kitchen, smiling a very happy good morning to them both as they at their breakfast.

"Rose do make sure you are careful today" Grandmother warned me, she was very concerned about me going to London. She did not feel like it would be safe enough.

"I shall Grandmother." I reassured her with a kiss on her head. "I shall be back all in one piece."

"Harry is going dear, so you have nothing to worry about" Grandmother smirked as she looked to me.

I blushed instantly and allowed silence to take over my body.

"Oh he is such a sweet boy" Grandmother said as she placed a plate in front of grandad; who was completely oblivious to what Grandmother was pointing out.

"He is not what she needs" He opened up and continued to read the paper.

Not knowing how to take Grandfathers remark, I quickly yelled a goodbye, grabbed my coat and walked out the door. The faint sound of Grandmother laughing echoed as I reached the door. I smiled at the old girl and then shouted a 'good morning' to Michael who is the baker next door. Walking through the village, I looked to the church where I was to meet Betty and Katherine; they were stood there but alongside the two girls we saw yesterday morning.

Betty looked so disinterested in them, looking very envious towards them; which made me chuckle to myself. As I walked over Jack put his arm around me, pulling me into a hug; also hugging him back.

"Sweet Rose" He laughed and then gave me a peck on the cheek.

I looked to the three boys, beginning to wonder where on earth Harry is. Just as I was about to ask Jim, I heard Ken shout 'Come on Harry!' Betty came over to me, while Katherine continued to talk to the other girls. She came over looking extremely annoyed.

"I do not like them already." She grumbled to me.

"Why ever not?" I asked amused, which she noticed and nudged me for catching her out.

"They are from Paris and have just moved over here, to the UK. They are traveling around until they find somewhere, where they feel comfortable. It better not be here" She snapped, obviously not to me; so I did not take her anger to heart.

I laughed but at the same time I could not help but feel the same. I felt threatened by them. Just before anything else could be said, they walked over to me and Betty. Katherine introduced them:

"Rose this is Megan" Katherine gestured to the brown haired girl, who I might add was quite tall. "And this is Caitlin"

The blonder girl looked to me and gave me a Botox smile, not seeming particularly genuine at all and seemed to hate me even before she actually knew me. I do not think we shall get along. But I need to give her a chance. Maybe she is just nervous, whatever it was, I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

"I have heard you are from Paris" I smiled and they nodded their heads. "Bienvenue en Angleterre"

They both smiled at me, mumbling 'Merci'. Meanwhile the whole group was shocked I knew French; Harry was standing there impressed as well, giving me a little wink as we caught gazes. I smiled to him, trying to conceal it, so I did not look like an absolute goon.

"We need to go" Jim announced as he looked to his watch.

We all began to walk, while I slowly headed to go to speak to Harry but someone barged past me and beat me to it. As I looked, I saw it was Caitlin. Before I could say anything, Katherine held me back; noticing my rage that she had barged right past me to go to speak to Harry.

"What a -"I began but was silenced by someone calling my name just as we got to the train station.

"Rose?" I looked to see Edward calling my name.

"Edward" I smiled. "So good to see you"

He picked my hand up and kissed it, immediately I saw Harry look and glare at his old commanding officer. I looked to him as he stared at me, intently glaring at me.

"Where are you off to?" He asked me as we walked to our station.

"London." I smiled. "There is a dance tonight and we wanted to get a new dress."

"What a coincidence" He beamed. "I am going to London too. On a business call though, need to sign some paper. And yes I heard there was a dance tonight; I was going to ask whether you wanted to go with me?"

I smiled graciously, then looked to Harry quickly who was now talking to Jim and Ken. Then I reverted my gaze back to Edward.

"I am really sorry, but I am going with the girls. I promised I would" I mumbled telling a white lie.

"No need to apologise sweetheart." He flirted. "Maybe next time?"

I nodded my head, and then the train pulled in the station. As I began to climb up the small steps, Harry grabbed my waist from behind without anyone watching. He moved to my ear, making me shiver before he had even said anything.

"Stop talking to him" He groaned.

I smirked as I knew Harry must have been jealous – that made me very happy.

I continued to walk onto the train and sat down. I assumed that Harry would sit beside me, but as I turned to the other side, I saw Caitlin pull him down to the seat next to her. I rolled my eyes.

'Psh do not talk to him, he says but I can talk with Caitlin and flirt with her Rose' I thought to myself as I got even more mad at him because I was sat all on my own because Katherine was sat next to Jack and they do not stop flirting with each other, constantly giggling and kissing each other's cheek. Betty quickly pulled down Ken to sit next to her, before Megan did and then Megan sat with Jim, which was totally awkward for the both of them. Then there was me. Sat all on my own. Just great.

"This seat taken?" I looked us to see Edward there.

I look to Harry once more and glare to him as his back is to me. I decided to ignore Harry's demand from earlier on and allow Edward to sit there; he thanked me and then sighed, pulling out a cigarette.

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