Chapter Nine:

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"Gosh I do hope I look okay" Katherine panicked as she brushed down her gorgeous yellow dress

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"Gosh I do hope I look okay" Katherine panicked as she brushed down her gorgeous yellow dress. "I want to look perfect for Jack."

"Oh hush Katherine" I smile. "Jack will think you are so very beautiful. Do not worry yourself."

"The same for Harry then Rose" Betty smirked as she pulled up her stockings.

I blush and then pick up a cushion that was beside me and throws it to the unbalanced girls beside me; totally knocking her off her feet. She laughs in return as she lays on the floor, then picks up the pillow; throwing it straight back but I manage to dodge it.

"You are lying to us all" Katherine teased alongside Betty. "But most importantly yourself."

"I like him, I really do" I sighed as I brushed my hair. "Is that such a crime?"

"Not at all sweet Rose" Betty giggles as she puts on her dress.

As I looked into the mirror, I looked at my small bruise on my face from last night. I shudder with the thought of seeing Alice or that oaf ever again. I am sure Harry would not be in the slightest pleased if he put a single hand on me or even looked at me.

"So I heard that Edward asked you to the dance" Betty smirked. "So tell me Rose, are you being a player?"

"Not at all Betty" I snap slightly and I instantly regret the tone of voice I use. "Sorry, I may have lied to Edward and told him I was coming with you two"

"Oh now you are lying for your love to Harry" Katherine teases me more.

"I do not love Harry" I spoke and then put on my dress.

With the help of the other two, I pulled the dress over my body; allowing it to fall down my petite body. Looking to myself in the mirror, I see a reflection of someone I had always wanted to be. I felt so confident in myself and I felt so happy to be me – which is very cliché I know.

"Wow!" Betty and Katherine chorused together.

"And the same to you two" I blushed as we all smiled to each other.

Before another word is spoken, a loud horn goes off. We rush to the window and sees Jack, waving his hand out the car, shouting for us to hurry up before the traffic gets bad. Running downstairs we shout goodbye to Betty's parents; then going out to see Jack, Ken and Jim in the back – with no sign of Harry, Frowning, I open the door and sees Ken with Betty near him. Jim pulls me in and I sit on his lap his entire way to the hall.

"Where is Harry?" I ask Jim while we drive.

"He has some matter at home" He replied as we whizzed through the country lanes.

"Oh" I frown, upset that he has not arrived.

"He might be coming later on" Jim grabbed my waist and we got out the car once we had arrived.

"I cannot wait!" Betty gasped as she gripped onto Ken's arm. "Dance with me?"

She pulls him inside and rushes to the dance floor, dancing like total morons with each other. Sitting down on a free table, I sit there alone as the others are dancing with someone. While I sit there watching the other happy couples, I feel a hand go on my back to get my attention. Feeling optimistic that it might be Harry, I turn around excitedly and see that it is in fact Edward.

"Oh, Edward" I blushed rather embarrassed that I was naive to think Harry would be here.

"Car to dance with me" He asked as he opened up his hand to me.

I looked to it and then to him, unsure whether I wanted to take up his offer.

"I won't bite" He assured me with a smile.

I grin back by his humorous remark and I put my hand in his, and then stand up. He puts his hand on my side and then walks to the dance floor. A slow song goes on and I put a hand on his shoulder, his hand goes on my waist and our other hand interlinks and he leans them against his chest. He pulls me closer to him, which makes me shuffle back a bit. Do not get me wrong, he is very attractive but he is not anything like Harry.

"So have you lived in Castle Combe your whole life?" He asks me as we move from side to side.

"I was born in Kent" I smile. "But I moved here when I was three years old, due to my parents being dead."

"Oh I am sorry to hear about that" He shares his sympathy with me, which seems so genuine.

"No need" I smile. "I was too young to remember them so the pain does not seem too real." I sigh and then I look up to him. "How about you?"

"Where am I from?" He asks and I nod my head. "I am from London. That is where my parents both are now, alongside my little sister."

"How old is she?" I questioned.

"10, she is only a little girl." He smiles. "But she means a lot to me. We are quite close."

"I always wished I had a brother or sister." I sigh. "I imagine life to be a little less lonely to have someone always around you."

"Oh they can be annoying at times." He laughs. "But you are right about the lonely part."

We say nothing for a while but allow the music to take control of our bodies, moving us from right to left slowly. As I look up to him, he stares to my lips.

"I would very much like to kiss you right now" He mumbles and I pull back slowly.

"Edward I –" I begin but then I see Harry right behind Edward.

"Mind if I interrupt?" He demands more than asks.

"No problem at all" Edward smiles and then nods his head to me, walking away.

Harry replaces Edwards's hands on my body, which make me feel so weak and protected. He moves me up against him. Then we dance together. We say nothing to each other and to be honest, I did not want to talk to him.

"I know you are mad at me" He sighed, which makes me not want to reply to him even more. "Rose please answer me"


"Ro!" He grabs my waist to make me jolt into him.

"What Harry!" I snap quietly to not make a show of myself.

"Talk to me!" He argues and I mockingly laugh to him.

"You are kidding me right?" I snap. "You tell me you want to take me to a dance and then you do not even show up! Harry make up your mind!"

"Why so if I reject you, you can go straight to Edward?!" He yells slightly, which attracts those around us to look at us.

I push away from him; hurt by his words. Running away outside, I ignore all calling out for me.

"Rose please I did not mean it like that" He yelled, in an apologetic manner.

"Then how did you mean it Harry!" I snap as I stand outside.

"Rose you know you mean a lot to me" Harry stressed once more. "Please I never meant it like that."

"How long is it going to take you, to figure out I actually like you!" I yelled and I then turned away from him, not wanting him to see my tears.

"Look at me" Harry demands.

I shake my head and continue to turn away from him.

"Look at me Rose" He comes close to me.

Before I can manage to turn to him, he grabs my waist and turns me around to face him. He smashes his lips against mine; I begin to try and push him away, livid that he thinks kissing me will making things better.

But after a few seconds, he lips move against mine and I stop resisting. Slowly, I start kiss back.

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