Chapter Four:

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Then I look to him and burst into tears

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Then I look to him and burst into tears. I was so distraught. How could someone do that? Especially to their own husband!

"Oh Harry" I cried and he hugged me gently, soothing me.

"Ro, you need to calm down" He ushers me. "Look at me."

I shake my head because I did not want him to see my blotchy, red face that I would get when I had cried. He laughs and then slowly tilts my chin up with his index finger. He uses the same hand – thumb – to wipe away the tears the fell down.

"Smile for me?" He grins, which makes me smiles instantly. "There we go"

I laugh and then inhale a big, deep breath in.

"Thank you" I mumble as I look to him. "Sorry for my annoying crying and my psychotic behaviour."

"Not a problem at all" He smiles.

We stand in silence until a gunshot goes off. Immediately Harry jumps from his skin and pulls me to the ground, with him on top of me, trying to protect me. I lay there and then some men in a group walk by with poultry in their hands. I look up and see it was only hunters, which I knew it only was. Harry blushed and stood up, helping me to my feet as the hunters walked on by, laughing at Harry.

He then started to walk away from me; totally randomly. Leaving me standing there totally and utterly alone. I walk back to the main village and goes to the shop, seeing Ginny with my Grandparents; they look to me as they have seen that I have been crying. Shaking my head, I run upstairs not wanting to talk to anyone that comes near me. I was hurting after Harry decided to leave me and it terrified me; he was obviously hurting since the war – but to walk off like that, I was hurt he had just abandoned me.

I shove my head in the pillow, screaming inside it. You know that feeling of pure anger and rage, but a mix of hurt, upset and love just all comes into your head at once, making you feel so unsure what exactly you are feeling as all the emotions come at one? Well that was what I was feeling. I did not know how to react. Screaming inside the pillow seemed to rip away any anger and upset I had felt, surprisingly making me feel a whole lot better. Suddenly, the tears stopped crying and I feared I had no tears left to shed anymore. My mouth had become so dry and my eyes felt so sleepy. Who knew crying would tire me out this much? Whatever the case, I knew I could not go to sleep and hide forever; I decided to grow a pair and not allow people to ruin how I feel. Making little pledges with myself, I promised I would not feel bitter towards Alice and that I needed to help her, help her see the light and get her to carry on with that hope.

As I walked downstairs, Grandmother looked to me, she always called me a closed book; therefore would want to push me to find out what is wrong. I smiled unconvincingly to them both and began to help Grandfather clean the footstep outside the shop; I put on my apron and tied my hair up; continuing to sweep the pavement. While I began to sweep, I felt a presence over me. I looked up and saw two girls standing beside me; not just any two girls but my two best friends – Katherine and Elizabeth, but we called her Betty. They both hugged me tightly, for I had not seen them in ages, as they went to stay in Cambridge with their parents; Betty's mother was doing factory work and was sent to Cambridge. Katherine's father and mother were both out in the war and stayed with her cousins in Huntingdon, which is not too far from Cambridge. But they were back and I could not be happier. Both of their fathers had returned; alongside Katherine's mother, which I could not be more elated to hear.

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