Chapter Nineteen:

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Three months had gone by, it was Christmas and everyone was excited. Harry had gone to America Three months ago, I have heard he won't be back for the Christmas holiday but whether that is true or not I do not know. My Grandmother sadly passed away a month ago, due to the awful cough she had, so Grandfather is holding on by a thread.

It was very hard for me to get over the fact my Grandmother would no longer be there anymore, for she had been there for me since I was born and I did not see my life without her. Grandfather took it bad and closed down the shop; whether that is a long time or short time thing I do not know but at the moment, I do not think he shall open it.

Edwards's father had me move into their mansion, on the outside of the village. William is never there, for he is in America for most of his days. Whereas Edward, he seems to always be there. I have become very good friends with one of the maids that cleans my room; she is in her early 40's and is not married or any children. She is most lovely and a person I can trust, for times I feel so alone in this household. I feel like I am trapped.

Edward has become a lot kinder to me since Harry left and especially when my grandmother passed away. It was a shock to me, as I did not think he would do so, but he did; which restored some faith I had for him. He was a very romantic kind of man and did try his best to make me happy. He shall never make me fully happy – nothing like Harry did.

Caitlin and Megan left to Paris and I doubt they shall ever come back, which does not phase me in the slightest, I did not like them. Megan was not too bad, but she followed Caitlin around like a sheep; Caitlin, she speaks for herself – just a horrible and nasty girl.

Jack and Katherine were ever so happy with each other; Katherine was hoping that Jack would hurry up and propose to her. Which I am sure he will anytime soon. Betty and Ken have got together, finally and they are so adorable with each other. Jim has finally forgiven me, since I told him what the situation was. We are all okay now. The group all understand now and respect the decision I made and supported me no matter what.

"Sweetheart" I heard Edward yell from downstairs. "Are you ready? They'll be waiting."

Edward and I were off to the party at the town hall for the Christmas meal we have as a village. The group has tried their best to except Edward and have actually started to like him, as have I. I sometimes miss Harry but to be honest with you, I am becoming a little happier. It is improving and I like where I am now.

"I'm just coming" I called back to him as I looked to myself in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection, feeling like a princess in my dress Edward got me. Walking downstairs, I looked to Edward who was grinning at me.

"Wow" He gasped. "You look beautiful"

"Thank you" I blushed and he put his arm out for me to hold onto as we walked out the door.

I started to shiver and he took off his jacket, putting it over my shoulders. As we walked to the carriage, Edward helped me in and we sat there, looking out the window as the snow continued to fall.

"We are picking up the others" Edward smiled as I looked to him. I grinned back; I could not control my excitement for the ball.

As we went along the road, we went past Harry's parents' house. I looked down to the ground. Robin and Anne were totally oblivious to the situation and did not know a lot. Whereas Ginny, she knew a lot but still continued to be the friend she always was. I had bumped into her just after Harry left. We talked and she told me that she always thinks Harry and I are meant to be and we shall get together eventually; but I do not think so anymore.

I know I have no right to be mad at Harry, but I could not help it. In my head, if he cared for me that much, wouldn't he come and fight for me? He never even said goodbye to me, before he left; that hurt me the most. It was as if I was now invisible to him. I did not matter.

"Move up!" Betty giggled as she got into the carriage, which was big enough to fit in the whole group.

"Tonight is the night!" Jim yelled, excited.

"How is the business going Ed?" Ken asked as he held onto Betty's hand. "Still need an extra hand"

"I would love to hire all of you actually." He began to answer but was cut off by Katherine.

"Come, let's not talk about business tonight" She smiled. "It is Christmas and we need to celebrate"

Edward kissed my cheek, which still felt so foreign to me. Edward and I have not kissed yet and I did not want to, just yet. It still felt raw and I would feel guilty, kissing a person while I still loved another. It just seems wrong to me. But we sometimes kissed each other's cheek.

"I am so excited" I grinned to the others, who nodded in agreement.

"It is going to be such a great Christmas." Betty squealed.

"Are you all still coming to ours for Boxing Day?" Edward asked as he placed a hand on mine. The word 'our' when it comes to Edward and seems so strange; I still have not gotten used to it.

"Of course!" Jack replied as he looked to the others, who also agreed.

"Is your Grandfather coming Rose?" Betty asked me.

"I have no clue" I mumble. "He does not seem to talk to me. I see him every day, but he always tells me to leave. I invited him last week but he told me he did not want to come. Besides he did not want to come for Christmas dinner today, so who knows."

"He is still heartbroken" Jim sighed.

"I would be too" Katherine agreed as she rested her shoulder on Jack's.

And so am I, I thought to myself.

So am I.

I'm In The Mood For Love (Dunkirk Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora