"So tell me how you like the lyrics once you read them" I heard Manik say as he shot a cold glare towards Dhruv. He faced Harshad and I found this sheepish smile spreading over Harshad's face. Did he know this was going to happen? Did I fail Manik? But how could he? I was very careful.

"Manik.....buddy" Dhruv called out from behind.

Manik didn't turn. He was fixated onto Harshad.

"You have such low standards?" Asked Manik.

"Me!,..." Harshad laughed.

"Come on Manik you can do better than this..." he continued waving the papers in front of him.

"You really think this is funny" Manik held him by the collar.

"That's more like it.." Harshad chuckled.

"Harshad you...." Manik raised his balled up fist and threw them in the direction of Harshad's face when I heard my name,

"Well where is Nandini?" he asked with a smirk.

"What?" Manik stopped in the middle.

"Which one of the pillar is she hiding behind?" he asked and pushed Manik.

"It must be so hard for you na Manik?" Dhruv finally spoke.

"Pehle Alya, phir mein and now Nandini..." he continued.

Dhruv knew? I was finding it very difficult to cope up with all this. Was I going to loose Manik forever? Was he going to hate me? Shit! what had I done?

"You seem quite surprised" Harshad spoke.

"Oh come on now Nandini, don't you want to see the look on Manik's face when I tell him that..." he stopped in the middle, his eyes searching for me.

"Tell me what?" Manik asked in agony.

"That how close Nandini and I am..."


"Oh, she really didn't put it on her CV?" he asked laughing.

"Harshad..." Manik's anger grew with each passing second.

"That, she is married to me..." he said biting the corner  of his lips.





"That, she is married to me..." he said biting the corner of his lips. My heart felt heavy. Had I put my faith in the wrong person again? Nandini? She was a part of this plan? I was unable to speak. I had nothing to say. She played with me all this while. And how could she be with Harshad? And all those scars, did Harshad do that to her? Why ? WHY?

"Do you feel that buddy?" Dhruv spoke heading in my direction.

"You overshadowed me for so long. Manik Malhotra rock star, Manik Malhorta best lead singer, Manik this...Manik that...fab five was all about you..you used us for your success...no one cares about the rest of us...Its always about you...and when Harshad saw the real truth, you shoved him out of our lives, made us hate him...and finally after years when this guy reached out to me, and reinstated faith in me, and told me i could become whatever I wanted...and the real thorn in the path was you, I knew he was right...." he said.

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