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I came home from high school that day in a good mood, but it was about to get better.

I said hi to mom and dad and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. Jake, my brother, was in my room.

"Jake, could you please get out of my room?" I asked him.

"Why? You spend way too much time in here. What on Earth are you doing?"

"It's none of your business."

"Alright." He ran out of my room with his plastic grenade. He threw it into my room and ran off.

I shook my head and opened the only locked drawer in my dresser. One sleek ensign's uniform sat folded all neat. I locked my door and slipped out of my clothes and into my uniform.

I unlocked my closet with my other key that hung from a black lanyard. It held all my Star Trek keys.

Finally, I pressed a small button by the transporter pad and slowly watched as the world, my world, grew into the future.

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