A Walk With The Captain/Second Father

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We walked slowly through the arboretum, the trees shining and the small pond glistening. Picard seemed to be pondering something. We stopped by the pond, and sat down.

"I was very impressed by your move towards the Romulans, even if it didn't work out," he said.

"Thanks, I think I was shaking a bit though," I said, but he shook his head.

"You were very brave, and I want to see you as an Ensign."

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yes. I think you would be a very good addition to this crew. You can really figure things out. I read a lot about detectives, but I think you already knew that," he said as I nodded. "What do you think?"

"I would love to! Thank you so much," I said, and I hugged him in a bear hug. He wrapped his arms around me, and then we got up and walked to a replicator.

"Ensign's uniform," he said, and a bright red uniform popped into life. It had one brass dot on the collar, but I was still happy. Captains' uniforms had four dots.

I smiled and walked to my quarters.

"You start tomorrow," said Picard as he said goodnight. Or, good shift. There really was no night or day in space.

I slept soundly that night, and the hard mattress didn't bother me at all. In fact, it was comfortable to the point where I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning. But I did, because I was excited for my first day of Ensign service to Star Fleet.

I put on my uniform, looking in the mirror as the one brass pin gleamed in the fluorescent light. I smiled, I was in Star Fleet. Before Wesley even.

I walked down the hall, nodding to everyone on my way to the Bridge. I even ran into Wesley.

"Wow! You're an Ensign?" he asked.

"Yep! Soon you will be," I said, suddenly forgetting that he didn't notice that.



I passed him and smoothed my clothes and hair. Then adjusting the neck on my uniform. I stepped into the Turbolift, stressed for the first day of work. I loved saying that word!

The Bridge was even bigger than I remembered, with all the controls cleaner than usual. Maybe it was just me. Deanna smiled along with Picard, Riker, Geordi, and even Worf. They all gestered me towards the center of the Bridge platform.

"Thank you very much, I promise to serve in Star Fleet as my very best and no less than my best. I thank you again for this amazing opportunity, I will not disappoint!" I said to the crew. They all clapped and I sat in the Ensign's chair, looking over the controls, understanding them perfectly.

"Ensign, take us to the Vulcan home world, warp five," Picard said. I made adjustments and slide my fingers all over the board. I was powering up the ship! "Engage," he said, sliding two fingers forward in the most famous hand position in Star Trek history besides the Vulcan, live long and prosper.

We were off, to my first mission. To my first ever mission. Oh boy, here we go. 

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