Unauthorized - Redux

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Once I woke up, I saw that I was in Sick Bay. All the women and girls lied on tables, and they slowly started to wake up as I did. I rotated my neck and stretched my arms. Deanna groggily walked over to me.

"Are you alright?" she asked. When I nodded, she continued. "First we were in Ten Forward, falling to the ground and now we're here, in Sick Bay. Did you know about anything, I thought I saw you were okay before I blacked out."

"Yeah, I blacked out too," I said. "It was just delayed. We found out that the anti-matter and the fuel mix mixed with the temporal flux from the test transporter beam Wesley and I were testing. We got kicked out after one of the containers popped. The chromosomes must have only effected females."

"Interesting. Did you figure this out?" 

"Yeah, but Barkley helped out tremendously."



I walked out of Sick Bay once my legs began to work. I surprised myself when I ended up at Worf's door. I couldn't see anything, but I heard Alexander yelling at Worf. Knew it! This wasn't the second season. The uniforms were different as well, so that was obvious. Wow me. Alexander then ran out an into me, but Worf just stayed inside.

"I'm sorry," he said as he wiped a tear from his cheek.

"Don't be. You're a brave Klingon for taking on Worf," I said, hoping to befriend him like Deanna's mother did. Alexander was always the cutest thing. I looked at him closely. He looked like a miniature Worf.

"I want to be the bravest Klingon ever! But at the same time, I want to fit in with humans," he said. He sighed and started to walk. I followed.

"Do you want to go to the Holodeck with me?" I asked, not caring really if he tagged along.

"I'm okay. Bye Janie!" I waved at him until I realized that I hadn't said my name. News travels around a ship. Fast.

I decided to ask Geordi about curing the females, when I bumped into him in the corridor.

"Hey Geordi! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. Listen, I think you're going to ask me about the cure, and-"

"That would be nice."

"And I think that Captain Picard doesn't want the crew to tell the females and some men had to be brainwashed to forget about it."

"Just tell me."

"We stole the anti-serum from the Academy. Wesley helped us out."

"He goes to the Academy? This early?"

"No, he went in with a uniform. No one saw him though, it was night."

"So we're good."

"Until they find out a vile is missing. Well, a couple of them. We replaced them with other stuff that is similar in look, but not in affect."

"So what are you saying?"

"Captain Picard could be banned from Star Fleet. He could be stripped of his title and rank. Sent back to start all over."

"Could he get a fair trial? Could he testify for what he did?"


"Then what's to worry about?"

"Star Fleet officials are tough. Don't you know about the...oh never mind."


"I said never mind."    

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