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5 years later...

Everything has changed, everyone did too, no one is the same person they used to be five years ago. For what's best or worse, our lives has completely taken a 360 degrees turn.

We went to college and it's been a year now of us out there in the real world. I couldn't help myself, but feel his hands on every inch of my body, let the thought of him and the memory of us invade my mind every time I danced.

So, I stopped.

I never danced again ever since that day five years ago. I wasn't even sure anymore if I could if I ever tried. Was I any good still? But I guess that was a question that was gonna be left unanswered for who knows how long.

Instead, I went to Columbia Business School. I studied business and now was working in my dad's company, following down his footsteps. Something I never thought one day I'd do. But then again, what else was I good at if it wasn't dancing?

Ellie and Aracely went to New York University aka NYU, to follow their dream of becoming professional dancers one day. And they're on the right road now, heading towards what they always wanted, what us three always promised we'd achieve one day together.

I resorted to playing the piano in my free time though, writing down all the words to a story no one would ever get to know or hear about. And even though music just really reminds me of him. Reminds me of that one memory of when two young teenagers laid on a mattress, sharing plans and he told her how it has always been his dream to become a musician.

But somehow that memory was less painful than all the memories of them dancing. Because she thought that no one ever was able to connect to such level from just dancing. But they did and that was how it all began. So she ended it. She promised to never relive all those memories by dancing ever again.

Brady decided that he wanted to be a photographer, mentioning once something about how capturing moments in pictures interested him. Somehow I felt like he just enjoyed taking pictures of Ellie as she danced away.

It's probably now that I should tell you they've finally made it official three years ago. Not wanting to somehow hurt me of becoming together right after I got heartbroken. Because that was the kind of friends they were, they put their friends before themselves. I think that was what strengthened our friendship, we all cared about one another and put one another first.

There was something about their relationship that I loved. How Brady somehow managed to break past all of Ellie's walls and was helping her into becoming a better person. Her past was exactly where it's supposed to be. The past.

Aracely's mother was doing much better now and that was what encouraged Aracely to ever leave home and come with us to New York. And yes, you've read that right. We were all in New York.

It was great to have your friends with you, especially when I've been afraid college and just life in general would tear us apart. Now I'm as sure as ever that there was nothing that could ever weaken or break our friendship.

Sometimes I even let the different scenarios of how if one thing changed about that night, things would've been different. I catch myself daydreaming of how it would've been if he came here with us. He could've pursued his dream of becoming a musician here. Or maybe even we'd be dancing together by now, attending the same college as Ellie and Aracely.

And it's the hurt and tears that forces me to stop thinking about him. About what could've been. If only I didn't leave that day. Or maybe if I had refused to let him go and held onto him...

But like I said before, the past belongs right where it is.

Julia did come to New York like she once told me before. And for some time that stirred trouble between Ellie and Brady. But that was before they've gotten together and if anything I'd like to think it was one of the reasons that brought them together.

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