Chapter 3

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Andrea's P.O.V

"Get your ass back here, Brady! " I yelled as I chased after him up the stairs.

"Never!" He yelled back drowned in his own laughter as he tried getting as far away from me as possible.

"You're such an annoying retarded cow" I yelled angrily not really able to find something more offending.

So when your best friend decides waking you up so you won't be late for school is actually kinda nice of them. But them pushing you off the bed while singing at the top of their lungs, is pretty much annoying. And lets not forget the fact that Brady's voice is annoying not only for early mornings but also all day long. Seriously though, the guy can't sing for life.

And that's how we ended up running around the house, yelling and looking like complete maniacs.

"Am I supposed to be offended, child?"

"That's it! You asked for it"


"Get off of me" he yelled trying to wiggle from under my grip, but I wasn't letting go that easily.

"Never!" I mimicked him from earlier.

"You're such an annoying retarded cow-oh my god, your lameness is rubbing off on me. Get off me before I lose all my coolness, bitch! " he yelled trying everything he could to push me off of him.

"Not until you apologise" I said.

"For what? For waking you up? Well, sorry for caring, but I'm not sorry" he said stubbornly.

"Suit yourself" I said with a shrug.

"Fine! You lose, I win" he said making me frown while trying to process the stupidity that just left his mouth.

"I'm on top of you, I win and you lose, idiot!" I exclaimed.

"In other countries I'm on top" he said looking as if he just said the most smartest thing ever.

While in reality it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard really.


And before I could even get to finish my sentence, he flipped us over taking me off guard.

"Muhahaha" he tried mimicking an evil laugh, but failed miserably and started coughing.

"I'll work on the laugh later" he said clearing his throat before getting off of me and sauntering out of my room.

"I'm so gonna get you next time" I mumbled under my breath.

"Good morning, Maria" I greeted once I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, mi hija" she greeted back with a warm smile before pulling me in one of Maria's famous tight hugs.

"Mmm, that smells so heavenly" Brady said popping his head from over her shoulder.

He reached his hand to grab a pancake from the plate full of them on the counter beside the stove. Maria imidiatelly swat his hand away, turning around with her wooden spoon in her hand.

"Did you wash your hand, niño?" She asked resting her hands over her hips.

"I'm a niño!" He exclaimed with a silly smile, clearly having no idea whatsoever what that means.

"Go wash your hands, niño" she hit his butt with the wooden spoon only for him to yelp and run out of the kitchen.

" niños these days" she huffed making me snicker under my breath.

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