Your Everything

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She looked so ethereal.

Lauren stared at her for a moment, and she wasn't sure anymore if she was looking, if she was still breathing, if she was still alive to have her eyes lay upon her. She was on her side, her arms engulfing Lauren in a loose, but warm embrace. Her locks were sprawled all over the pillow, chest travelling up and down in steady breaths. She looked peaceful. There was no other human being worth waking up to but Camila.

The lady, in a delicate form, was graced with a beauty personally carved by Aphrodite, fingers enriched by the softest cotton,her lustrous brunette tresses weaved to precise perfection, curves that shamed the mountains which had them, and skin painted with a lovely tan.

And Lauren had to draw her eyes closer to see whether such a lady had been left by the angels tenderly onto her bed, wrapped in her embrace.

Taking her arms from Camila's back, placing her hands over her cheeks, to place a tender kiss on her lips. Lauren stayed utterly still, feeling Camila's pulse against her lips. Instinctively, Lauren shifted forward, pressing herself further as their skins once again burned with the familiar feel of each other, their noses breathing each other's fragrance, hearts recognizing the fast beats against their cages.

Camila woke not to the sight of her, but to the feel of Lauren. Her eyes kept themselves unopened, and in this feel she saw no parting from Lauren. Her heart thrashed in her whole being, causing her to bring Lauren's bare body even closer. Camila was almost shy, pulling away not too long afterwards. The rose had made itself known again in her cheeks, as Camila tapped on Lauren's lips, grinning.

"And why are you kissing me so early in the morning?"

Lauren playfully bit Camila's finger before answering. "I just wanted to wake you up." And Lauren did. By that moment, the pace of Camila's heart was already altered by the kiss that Lauren breathed upon her, her eyes were already squinting Lauren's love for that day, for the rest of her life, her mind was already diving into the images of their lovemaking the night before. Camila was awake.

"It's a nice thing to wake up to." Camila whispered.

"Maybe I should give you another one?" Lauren's fingertips reached to trace the invisible mark she had left on Camila's mouth, marks of love she had wished Camila to be covered in, marks she would leave herself.

"Maybe two?"

"I like how you think."

The morning was not able to hear their giggles for long as they kissed, just as they had many times the night before. Every kiss was almost like their first. There was no need to rush as they slanted their heads for better depth, there was no need for aggressiveness as their lips caressed passion for their starving hearts, there was no need for violence as their tongues provided enough comfort to roam about their mouths, there was no need for a better place as their kisses opened up another world with only them, with the person they had loved deeply.

And it was just exactly as Lauren had thought it would be, like it was the only time and the billionth time she had the stars that lit up the dark horizon beyond her eyelids. But it wasn't just her stars, it was theirs.

Lauren could not bear tearing herself away from Camila, but her lungs tapped frantically inside to beg themselves even a bit of consideration and care.

But they kissed each other until they felt like drowning, and they had dreamt of humans having no primal urge to even take one breath, so they may take their lips for as long they had the strength to do so.

They broke apart, but having no intentions of leaving their morning ritual there. Camila felt an arm scoop beneath her back to pull her onto Lauren's body. She yelped and caught onto Lauren's shoulders, the heat in her cheeks made itself known at their intimacy. Just as she was sure Lauren would kiss her, something embodied in Lauren's face, an expression, almost similar to what she had seen before they made love. Hesitation.

She didn't want Lauren to hold back. "Lo? What are you thinking of?"

Lauren shifted slightly under her, brought her hand to lock with Camila's hair, bringing their foreheads together. She had often risked so many things before, and right now, was it right to yet again take a leap of faith? She had weighed what she could afford to risk, at the words she was going to say next.

Lauren had thought of it last night, depriving her of the hours she could have taken for sleep. But it was only right to have the words come forth from her mouth. Camila deserved it. Camila deserved every good things, every kindness, every love she could give her. "I love you, Camz. I-- Last night--- Can you be---"

Camila brought her lips to the corner of Lauren's mouth, assuring her. "And I love you. I'm here to listen, take your time."

Gathering enough breath and courage, Lauren tried once again. "Last night, and everyday since I've known this love for you, you made me climb into the galaxy without even having to fly. And I don't want to ever lose you, lose that. I'm not certain if this is the appropriate moment, but I want to ask if you'll keep on soaring with me?"

Camila blinked, once, twice, until she had finally been able to read between the words Lauren had said to see its meaning.

There's no one I would rather ride with than you

I wouldn't let you fall, unless you'd fall for me

The signs were there all along. The risk in that kiss, in that question finally clawed onto Camila's chest that had broaden her sight. "Is that another way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"

Lauren's forehead to her own, her arm on her back, her fingers in her hair. It was because of Lauren's fear she would not be able to see the future she had envisioned for them both if she loosen her hold. But Camila had felt it, it was written in every breath Lauren would exhale onto her face. "Girlfriend, lover, partner, my other whole, the person I would wake up to at mornings, the person I would see before I would sleep at night, the person whose name I will utter upon my last dying word. Everything. I'm asking you to be my everything."

But as soon as she had finished what she had deemed to say, Camila tore her gaze away, as if she was ashamed, as if she was hinting at rejection.

And Camila's unsaid response cut deeper than any knife to the heart. Maybe Camila didn't feel the same, maybe Camila had only fallen in love with the idea of her, not her, not the soul she had bore to her.

Lauren craned her head back onto the pillow as she took her hands away from Camila's body to cover her eyes. Of course, the tears just had to fall and left a sting on her skin. Will she ever be enough for someone?

"Lauren, please don't cry." Camila tried to unveil Lauren's face, but her hands remained kept to cover it. Camila was only pouring more reasons for her whole body to bleed internally.

"Lo, your everything is talking to you."

And in an instant, the wounds that had temporarily opened had faded almost immediately. The breeze against her skin washed away all the hurt and fear, leaving her with joy and love. Simple words she had heard, a drop compared to an ocean, but it changed the color into something else.

Camila smiled.

"You tricked me!" Lauren framed Camila's face with her hands, the tears still evident on her face.

Camila wiped the streak of liquid dry, replacing them with memories of her lips. "I'm sorry, baby. Here, I'll let you punish me."

"Are you sure?" Lauren's saddened eyes morphed into elation. Camila nodded, but reluctantly.

Please, please don't let her cook omel--

"Then I'm making omelette for breakfast. Lots of it!"

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CAMILITA 👏 DID 👏 THAT 👏 Check her performance, loves. 😘

- Yang

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