Birth Partner

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Lauren was not sure how she ended up like this.

She was alone inside the elevator with the person she was sure radiated negative energy. They were standing on opposite ends, the wide gap in between representing the void that separated the heart that cannot forgive, and the heart that wanted to care. Camila was in her black leggings and a loose pullover that had a Nala print in front, oblivious to the love of Lauren for the character. Lauren sneered in disgust, seeing her favorite character being worn by her abhorred person. Lauren was leaning on the elevator wall, holding Camila's bag tightly. Once again, Grace had the audacity in convincing slash forcing her into the situation that required being with Camila.

"Give an old woman her rest, will you, Lauren?" Grace had said. So she agreed, before Grace would threaten another food on her list.

Lauren heard Grace's insulting laugh as she looked at the bright red numbers that flashed on the screen up above. The journey to the lobby was achingly slow, and quiet. It was the first time she regretted choosing to live in the 38th floor, after seeing the number 20.

After the ice cream incident days before, being around Camila, just the two of them, to say the least, was still rare, distressing and strange. Notably, it wasn't because of the affair, but the treatment Lauren had given to her. Her words were demeaning, calling her 'slut' and 'chippie', yet not once had she heard the other woman complain, not that she expected her to. Camila was living with her, and was provided the necessities for the baby, after all.

Five months have passed since Camila's arrival on her doorstep. The moment she saw her the first time, Lauren had never felt the lust, the need to make her feel every particle of loathing she had for the mistress. But as time went pass her eyes, Lauren saw how Camila coped with a person that could easily destroy her. She saw how Camila grew to love her unborn child. And her, she clung to hate.

It was the easiest thing to do.

But after seeing the scars on her back, curiosity was starting to replace the feeling of hatred. She had a feeling she needed to know, or was it just the normal human behavior to be curious about something they do not know about?

And at last the long-awaited 'Ding!' resonated within the confined space. As soon as the doors opened, Lauren walked out first, diving into the sea of people inside the lobby. The whole floor was crowded, having an event being held inside the building summoned a whole mass of people. Pushing with her shoulders, she made a good way towards the limousine waiting for them outside. As much as she pushed, she told the people sorry but she really needed to pass. When she saw the glass doors, she almost jumped in joy. Almost. That is until she glanced behind her.

Camila was surrounded by a mob, aware of her short height and nothing else but the strangers around her. By the small spaces in between the people, she saw how the woman struggled to get pass through. Lauren started to breathe harder. They wouldn't see and hear her that easily. They would collide with her. She hated the woman. She should let her be. But at once her feet were taking her to Camila, forcing her arm into the spaces that led to her.

She reached out, her hand catching the petite ones of her target. She now used her elbows in shoving the crowd away to create a considerable measure of a pathway for Camila. Some muttered annoyance, some muttered curses, but when they noticed who was pushing them away, they shut their mouths. She was the Lauren Jauregui.

"You okay?" Lauren was never suppose to ask.

Camila had a sheen of moistness in her eyes, like she was about to cry. "I am now."

Lauren held on to her hand a little bit tighter as she led the way to their transport. It was the first time Lauren had held a hand smaller than hers. Mateo had big rough, work hands, and her fingers only met his halfway. His hands were warm to the skin, something she got used to. Camila's were smooth, small against her palm. Unlike Mateo's, hers was cold.

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