Ode of Redemption

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It shouldn't have happened
When you came across and gave me that gaze, I shouldn't have smiled in return

It shouldn't have happened
When we walked side by side under that starry night and admitted sky is our limit

They said love is constructive and cathartic
It never is
Instead, it's destructive and helplessly chaotic
It's you, it's always because of you
I have been blinded, only to blind others
I have sinned the greatest sin, even heaven won't let me in
I made you the star of my universe, yet you exploded--swallowing me into endless black hole

It shouldn't have happened, our encounter
My galaxy was torn, lost its lust for life
And no matter how I spent day by day seeking for redemption,
it never ends

My redemption is everlasting
So is your radiance to me

Nella Fantasia (Kumpulan Puisi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang