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Maya sat with Zach when a woman came in who Emma had bright from the past. "Marian!" Robin said as Zach eagerly turned to see the woman.

"Mommy?" Roland asked.

"Roland! My sweet boy." Marian said as she hugged Roland.

"Marian?" Zach said as he got up and looked to the woman.

"Zachariah? Is that you?" Marian smiled looking to him. "You've gotten so big." The woman said as she hugged Zach. "Wait is that-" the woman said as she let go of Zachariah and held Roland behind her. "The Evil Queen?" She said angrily as she looked to her. "Why are you all not running away from that monster? Do you know what this woman has done?" She said disgusted.

Regina looked to her then Robin saddened before running out. Emma went after her while Maya looked at Zach. "Marian is Robins wife. She died but I guess they brought her back. She was always like a mother to me."

"Poor Regina." Maya said looking to Zach. "She really has come a long way."

"But Robin lives by a code." Zach said looking to her. Maya held Zach's hand looking to him.

Eventually all of the merry men, including Zach left to go take care of Marian. Maya went home as well as everyone else and ended the day. Maya and everyone else really hoped that this wouldn't turn Regina dark again.

The next day Maya went with Emma Henry and her parents for a walk. Henry was trying to figure out what was going on with Regina. Maya kept walking with Emma and Mary Margaret.

"Henry seems to be handling it well. I mean between losing and regaining his memories and seeing both of his mom's and best friend with new men." Mary Margaret started.

"Speaking of, He told me he loved me." Maya said smiling to her mom.

"And you did what?" Mary Margaret asked with a smile.

"Said it back." Maya responded.

"So that's why you two were-" Emma started.
"Um you know let's- who are you with?" Maya asked looking to Emma. She didn't want to talk about how she made out with someone while her mom was there.

"Me and Hook kissed again last night." Emma said. "And Henry-" She started not sure how to finish.

"Henry doesn't know about you and Hook." Mary Margaret insinuated.

"There is no me and Hook." Emma said looking to her mom.

"Sure seems like there is." Maya said looking to Emma.

"Okay fine I don't know what there is but I can't talk to Henry if I don't know what I'm talking about." She said looking to him.

"Swan." They heard Hook say from behind them.

"Speaking of." Emma sighed as they run red around.

"Mausoleum's all clear. Regina's not hiding there." Hook said looking to Emma.

"Thanks." Emma said as she turned back around and they continued walking.

"Swan are you avoiding me?" He asked as Maya looked to her mom with wide eyes.

"Can you give us a minute?" Emma asked looking to the two women. They both turned around and went to walk with Henry and David.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now