chapter 1:

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Mckayla macenzi⬆

I was reading a book lieing on my stumic in my bedroom. The book I was reading was a sifi book abought this girl called rose who had two sides when she was happy she was a human and mad she was a blood thirsty demon. I was interupted in my reading when I hurd talking from down stairs. I placed my book open face down on my bed and walked down the stairs with my one hand on the raling. My mom and dad loomed at me going quiet. "Mom dad what's going on?" I question flickering my eyes back and forth between them now and then.

My mom sighs and looks at me. My younger sisters and brother was in one of sisters rooms. My dad looked at my mom then me and sighed. "Mckayla we owe a lot of money and papers along with contracts to meany companies" she tells me.

The small frown on her face worried me she wasn't one to normal worry abought things like this and nether was my dad altho my older two sisters and brother did there was nine of us all to gether in the family. My two older sisters had moved out with my sister kara had moved in with her boyfriend as my other sister lilly had moved out two years ago to a new houce with her feancay makston millers. As for the other six well they were my younger siblings. Owen, lyra, Lucy, mira, fraya and my older brother well I'd saw him more then my mom and dad he was called jordan he was ten years older then me so he was twenty-seven and I was just turning 18. "So you always are" I say in confusion.

My mom sighs again and hose closer to my dad. "Mckayla you are the oldest in the house and you know what happens when a family get meany strikes on things like this" she says hiding her head into my dad's chest.

My moth opens and closed like a fish as the words come out of my mom's moth. My mom and dad could see the shock on my face. My mom goes to reach for my arm but I pull away from her quickly and back up the stairs a bit. "Mckayla pleas it's awer only choice" she tells me.

"Yer just like every other choice you have made" I run up the stairs and back into my room slamming the door behind me and leant against it for a bit taking a deep breth in then out again. I move away from the door and walk over to the small bathroom I had in my room. I moved my ready set pjamers and placed them on the bed. I grabbed a towl from my cobord and walked back to the bathroom striping all my clothes off of me and throwing them anywere onto the floor. Once I was compleatly naked I stepped into the shower and turned on the water shutting the bathroom curtan. I let the water flow down my skin for a bit till I was fully coverd with stream of water on my bare skin. I slowly started to wash my hair and drink the water from the shower as it pored out of the shower head and trickled down my skin. Once I felt all relaxed and calm I got out drying my body off and putting my night clothes on. I walked over to my bed pulling the quilt off and hoping in pulling it back over me. The moment I shut my eyes it was like a flood of worried thoughts of what would happen to me.

I groaned to the sound of my mom trying get to wake me from my slumber. "Mckayla get up darling" I waked her with the pillow from under my head making her back away from me. I say up with a full grumpy face apon my lips.

"Pleas mckayla it was you or one of your sister your older two have families of there own and the others are two young to have to put up with vampires pleas understand mckayla" she asked me starting to come closer to my bed. I thew another pillow at her making her back away from me and walk out of my room shutting the door behind her as she went. I thew the quilt off of my hot and flustered body and walked over to my wardrobe. I picked out a grey top and a pair of blue jeans. I didn't want to look like I cared because I really didn't. The fact my mom had even considered the fact that I would be happy abought this was apaling to me in every way. I straitened and brushed my hair quickly then walked down the stairs to see the time was 8:15 in the morning. I never got up this early and I was surprisingly wide awake because of my mom and her news from last night. I walked down to the kitchen to see a note on the table.

Mckayla I know I woke you up and all but me and your dad are at work from twelve and one till nine in the morning tomorrow I'm sorry but we have to do this someone will be here to pick you up soon. Pleas understand we did this to keep your younger brother and sisters safe. And pleas answer the door to the showfer and the person who is getting you

~love mom

I scoffed seeing the love mom part at the end of the letter. I scrunched it up throwing it into the the bin and started on making some breakfast. Acer I ait some toast I hade made there was a knock at the door. Know get who it is I open the door to a women in black attier. She had a eight button up top. Black blazer and a tight black skirt along with black high heals. She looked up and down me at my clothes. I could gesso she was thinking this is not how I should look but I really couldn't care less abought how I looked around abought now anyways. "Your mckayla macenzi right?" She askes looking over her thick black glasses on the bridge of her nose.

I nod at her and she sighs at me. She walks into the houce and up the stairs to the room that had a door open with was mine. "This your room" she askes looking at all the things laying out apon my shelves

I node once again and she keeps looking around the room in a circle examaning the room looking at every detail by the looks of things. "Right then go pack your clothes and anything that is nesasery needed" she tells me a it ting down on the desk chair I had in my room for homework. I grabbed a bag from the top of my wardrobe and drop it on my bag. I unzip the big duffle bag and started to plant all of my clothes in there.

Once I was done I threw on a nice zip up hoodie that would hide my fragile thin arms. I followed the women out of my room and hesently stopes at my little siblings rooms the women stopped and looked were I was gaising at she mottend her hand to say go on but tiled me to hurry it up because we had to be at the auction. I drop my duffle bag onto the floor and walk over to one of my siblings rooms. Twisting the door nob I open the door and look at them from the door way. I plant a kiss on watch of there heads then walk out to the other and do the same. I return to the women picking my duffle bag up and followed her getting good into the black car that was parked I front of my houce. You would have thought the as people was rich with the car they had but most vampires were especially since we had an auction almost every five weeks.

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