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Aj POV (Guy)

I was in my hotel room asleep intill I kept hearing a buzz coming from my phone.

I groaned and reached for the phone, the caller ID was Jeffery.

" Hello? " I said with a groggy voice.

" Styles , do you want to go to the gym? Matt said no so now I have no one to go with and I ain't going by myself  "

" Ya sure. Just give me about 30 minutes and I'll be down there "

" K, bye "

I got out of bed and opened up the curtains , I looked out the window at the bright North Carolina morning.

I took a 10 minute shower , then brushed my teeth and put my hair up.

I grabbed a tapout muscle shirt and some Nike shorts , with some Nike shoes.

I grabbed my key and headed to the Gym in the lobby.

I walked in and saw Jeff on the traidmail.

I ran to the one beside him and started it.

" So Aj , what's been going on? " he said while running.

" Uhm, nothing much , just been hanging out with this one chick a lot , what about you ? " I said while running besides him.

" None , just been fighting with Matt for the past week, anywho , who's the chick ? " He asked.

I was about to tell him then she walked in.

I looked at the door and saw Aj and Nikki walking in with their duffle bag and drinks.

They were laughing about something , then Aj saw me and waved.

I waved back then looked at Jeff who was looking at me in shock.

" You've been hanging out with .. Aj ? " He asked.

" Yeah , she's super cool , why ? " I asked.

" Oh , because she used to be married to Punk "

" She was married to Punk? " I said in disbelief.

" Yeah . Then there was all this stuff going on, like alleged cheating and shit so they broke it off " he said normally.

Damn. We aren't super close friends but she never told me that. Maybe she wanted to hide it. Or pretend like it never happened.

I nodded and looked back to see her. She was so beautiful, so kind , and super funny.

She saw me look at her and she gave me a smile.

I smiled back then continued to do my thing at the Gym.

But the whole time I had this feeling in my heart. Do I like Aj?

Dean POV

" Don't give up on her man, just be patient " Seth said while playing his video games.

" Yeah , but she likes Aj! And how am I supposed to get her back if she likes Aj? " I asked him.

" Well again , be patient , watch Aj is gonna move on and leave her heartbroken , then you Mr. Dean Ambrose , you get to pick up all her pieces " He said.

" Do you think that will work, Aj doesn't seem like the guy to do that. " I asked grabbing a water bottle.

" Yes it will work , but for now , just lay low , okay? "

" ok. "
Aj Lee POV

I arrived at the Arena by myself today.

I wanted to get here early for I can practice in the ring a bit.

Jealousy ( A Dean Ambrose And Aj Lee Story ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now