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Aj Lee POV

The party was over and I somehow avoided Dean the rest on the night.

Some of the Superstars and Women , including me , decided to crash in Romans beach house.

It was 3 am and I walked out the house quietly and carefully.

I already changed into a sweatshirt and booty shorts.

I sat by she shoreline letting the water hit my feet.

I sighed and stared at the blue water which reflected the moonlight.

" Well Mrs.Lee I didn't know you would be here this early " a western like voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw Aj.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I turned around and kept staring at the water.

" Well that wasn't to kind , what's wrong ? " he said sitting next to me.

I kept ignoring him.

" Mrs.Lee , talk to me " he said shaking my shoulder.

I pushed his hand off of my shoulder and sighed.

" Look Lee , I know we just met and everything but if we're gonna be friends we need to start by telling each other stuff , so for the 1000th time , what's wrong ? " he asked.

I started to cry.

He put his arm around me and rubbed my back.

" I-Its Dean " I said wiping my tears.

" What did Dean do? " he asked looking at me.

" So me and Dean dated , and he wasn't the most trustworthy guy , so about 4 months ago me and him broke it off the night I left to rehab , and he just told me he loved him and I don't know what to do ! " I said breaking down again.

Aj brought me into a hug.

I was pretty surprised because I never saw this part of him before.

Like yeah I just met him , but still , I saw him as a fun party person , not a sweet , comforting person.

" Wha-What are you doing ? " I said not hugging him back.

" Oh I'm sorry , just thought you needed a hug " he broke the hug.

Silence filled the air.

I looked back at him then gave him a hug.

He hugged back and I laughed a little.

" So Lee , wanna go to Denny's ? " He asked randomly.

" Uhm .. Its like 4am " I smiled a little.

" Denny's is open 24 hours , plus doesn't seem like we both will be going back to sleep soon so let's go! " He said pulling my arm.

" Wait Aj! What about my outfit? I can't go into Denny's looking like this " I said pointing to my booty shorts.

" Ugh its fine Lee! You look gorgeous its fine " he said grabbing me arm again.

I smiled a bit while my cheeks turned red.

We got to his truck and I had trouble getting in because of my height.

" Need help? " he asked.

I nodded no but he still helped anyways.

He picked me up and put me in.

He got to the other side and turned on the car.

" That's embarrassing " I said laughing a lil.

" What is ? " he said driving.

Jealousy ( A Dean Ambrose And Aj Lee Story ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now