Busted!......... well almost

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         "This is taking forever!" I complained as I watched the blurs of light pass as we were on the highway.

I could tell I was pushing Ethan's buttons, which only ment I was succsesfully forfilling my little sister duties. Plus, I needed something to do on the 4 hour drive. "Hhhhhheeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy...... are you listening?" I asked waving my hand infront of his face. I know not the safest thing to do to a guy thats driving but hey whatcha gonna do?

       He only kept pretending that I didn't say anything. Then an idea popped into my head I poked him! "Im not touching you...." *poke* "I'm not touching you...." *poke* at this point his knuckles were turning white from gripping  the wheel so hard, which he was probably pretending was my neck. After 5 minutes it was starting to get old. I sighed and slouched in my car seat pouting.

  I smiled getting another idea, but this one might result in him gripping my neck instead of the wheel.......... ya its gonna be worth it time to break the #1 rule in the car, or van, or whatever the fuck we were in.


     I looked at the radio, it was on some classical music station. Ugh! No wonder why I was so sleepy! I started to move my hand but had second thoughts. What if he cuts my hand off with that blade he always carries around? Or what if he throws me in a ditch and makes me walk all the way back? But then snother song came on and I decided it had to be done no matter the risk!!!!!

       I looked over to see him focusing on the road nodding his head to the beat of the song. So I practically lunged for it before he could see my evil plot. He saw and his hand landed over mine. I quickely turned the knob to 98.7 fm. Only to have him grip my hand to it would turn back to his station.


  NOT.GONNA.HAPPEN. I bite his arm turing it to some rrandom rock station. "Ow! You little!" He was reaching for his blade to find it gone. I smirked and held it infront of his face. I know he would never actually use it on me. It was just a bluff, like when guys puff out their chests when they are fighting. Its actually real funny from my perspective but aparently not to other people.


    He snatched it away making the car swerve a little but quickly got it back on track. I laid back until he switched the station again. He was never going to learn was he? And so we spent the next 5 minutes wrestling around over the damn radio. Until there was a flash of red and blue lights. "Shit!" we both said at the same time. Hm, I guess we were making a lot more commotion than we thought we were, until I looked at how fast we were heading, grreeaattt. Oh if we get caught Dad was going to have a fit!

     I turned to Ethan and gave him "Whats the plan?" face. He looked back at the cop, and so did I. I could see the silouette of 1 cop who was moderatly chubby, the squad car looked pretty old so we could easly out drive him, but that would only gain more attention. And we couldn't risk him finding the body......

    "O.k. go with 4!" He replied calmly. "Are you suuurre?" I asked giving him a WTF face. He nodded. "Okay but are you really really suuuurrrrrrreeee?" I asked secretly hoping he wasn't. 4 wasn't the safest but it was one of the funnest, and most riskey. He glared at me and I smiled sweetly. "Your the boss!" I said soluting him. He turned the blinker on likr he was going to pull over.

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