Aaron {Female}

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Tick, tick, tick, tick. I listen as the teacher continues to teach his final lesson of the week. I'm watching the clock on my right wrist count down the final bell. 

My red and white boots are propped atop the vandalized desk. I adjust my navy blue bandanna to be more covering of my eyes as my white and red hair rest on my shoulders. "Listen up Y/n. This weekend you are to partnered with your sister's newest friend. Do you understand?" ordered Mr. Wolf-Were. I raised my hand to point at the clock. He rolls his eyes at me, as he does so a male to my left sighs and looks at me with a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

This boy has short black hair and scars all over his face. His eyes were pretty dark in colour. He is actually wearing the uniform which shocks me. "He's pairing you with me. So stop pointing at the clock. We'll begin work at your house after school." His voice was stern and demanding almost. I simply nodded. I never spoke in school, but when I did it was only if I was getting irritated with an idiot trying to get my number or ask about my sister. 

Thankfully, the bell finally rang. I grab my satchel and get the heck out of that class. I reach the stairs to the front entrance. My sister calls to me from the bottom, from the looks of it that boy from my class and a few others were around her.

"Y/n get down here!" I smile on the inside and jump down over the stairs and land in front of her. My white and blue shirt thankfully doesn't fly up.  She smiles and hugs me really tight, she realized me and turned around to introduce me to her new friends.

"Alright, Katelyn has light blue hair. Travis has white hair. Aaron has black hair. Laurence has brown hair. Finally Garroth has blonde while Dante has dark blue hair. Everyone meet my sister Y/n." said my little sister Aphmau.

"I didn't know you had her as your sister?" Garroth responded. The others just examined me. I remained still and unfazed.

I turn my head to look over at my short sister. She grabs my arm and begins to drag me away from the school straight for home while her friends follow us. I nudge her and point behind us. She looks back and smiles, "They are coming over. Mom said it was okay, and if we broke anything she would..." I move my trapped arm over my sister's shoulders and place my head on hers as a symphony gesture as we continue towards hell, also known as home.

~Flash Back~

I was 13 while Aphmau was 10. I just got home from school I found Aphmau in the living room online doing her own school. I shut the front door, which was a mistake. Our mother came down the stairs. Instantly I knew she was drunk again. I set my backpack down and ran over to Aphmau telling her two words, that would save her. "Bathroom. Now."

She instantly went to the nearest bathroom and locked herself in there. I turn around after watching my sister hide. My mother was behind me. Her clothes were covered with the sent of drugs and her breath was a bitter taste of beer.

Her words were slugged but understandable. "Why didn't you come home earlier? You better be dating or else."

I looked at the eyes of a woman who hates us, with strength in my eyes. "I was at school. And I haven't even thought of dating anyone." I responded with courage. I've been going through this ever since Aphmau was born. I was slapped across the she didn't hold back.

I remained still with my head facing to the right. Little did I know Aphmau watched as mother took all her rage out on a punching bag known as her own daughter.

~End of flash Back~

We reach home. I turn around to all her friends and place my pointer finger to my lips to signal them to be quiet. Aphmau told them to place their backpacks in the bush to the right next to their shoes and any other heavy objects. They obeyed and we all went inside.

I glace at Aphmau who looked at me. We nodded. Quickly, I went running around the house to search to see if our mother was home while Aphmau stayed with her friends. I searched the entire house before I went back to the group. As I approached, just my luck, our mother was drunk and talking to my sister. I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"What does a piece of shit like you have the right to touch me? Did you finally find a boyfriend? Are you finally going to leave this world cause I'll gladly help." The monster moved closer to me with every word. I pointed Aphmau towards the bathroom were she took her friends and herself to hide. She's probably going to explain the situation to them.

I focus back on my mother as a fist comes flying towards my stomach. I place an arm over my stomach as my other hand is placed over my mouth, blood. That's a sign for internal  bleeding, great.

As my mother continues to stare, her attention snaps as the bathroom door is opened then shut. I'm smart enough not to take my  eyes off of her, but I was too curious I turned my head towards the figure to see a glance of Aaron, but my vision leaves my right eye as my mother uses a piece of her ring to cut my eye. I scream in pain and fall to the floor. As I hit my knee to the ground the monster kicked my head with all her strength causing me to go unconscious.

~Time Skip~

I woke up with a pair of lips on my own. I bite their lip harshly, since I can't feel my limps yet. I move my eyes trying to find out where I am. I realize I'm not wearing my bandanna. I begin to stare into the eyes of this person, who I quickly realize is Aaron.

"Damn you're a touch one are you Y/n?" he said with a smile on his face. I realize he looks older. 

"Would you mind helping me sit up?" I asked. He was surprised to hear my voice, but he quickly helped me sit up. I looked down to see  have become older as well.

"How long was I out? Tell me years and/or months." I requested looking at his eyes.

He looked down and played with his zipper on his jacket before quietly saying, "5 years and 2 months." 

I didn't give any effort to hide my shock. I look around trying to find a mirror so I can see myself.

I take a deep breath and try to stand up. I move my legs to the side Aaron is on and lift myself up so I can walk around. I manage to stand, as I try to take a step I fall but I don't come in contact to the floor as a pair of arms. I smiled at the figure. As I realized what a spark of love from someone else feels like.

He puts me back on the bed, as he goes and begins to call everyone from that day to come to the hospital, but he made them think I just died. In about forty minutes everyone was here. I was arranged so the blanket was over my face and I was laying down. Clever me made my arm hang off the bed. I heard Aaron call every one by their name as I sense them surround the bed.

That was my signal, I begin to breathe slightly. No sounds. I feel a head lay on my stomach, I begin to move my hand slowly to the figure's head, I begin to slow play with their hair. I use my other hand to move the blanket from my head. I see it's my sister all grown up.

"Hello, Aphmau. I finally get to see you all grown up. Look at all of you. All of you are grown up." They stared at me and soon enough a giant group hug starts and I'm in the center. I smile wide.

~Time Skip~

Its been a about 6 years since I woke up. I've been living with Aaron for about a month we've been dating for a year. We couldn't be happier. I found out last week my mother died of alcohol poisoning  the same time I woke up.

There's a story of how I was sleeping beauty for years.

One Shots   {MCD X Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt