Garroth {Female}

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Here I go. New start. Ever since the move, I haven't left my home. Now I'm going to meet my neighbors. I know that next door has a cute blonde. And across the street is the friendliest person that went to Phoenix Drop High. I was bullied by some boys. One with white hair, another with blue hair, and the last one with brown hair. They called me worthless, and well, I believed them. Soon enough I began drift away from everyone. I never bought a phone, or went to parties. Shoot, during my Freshman year I left to teach myself school, since I distrust males and females. But today, I'll wear my High School uniform, that still fits, over to the neighbors' and see if they are friendly. I thought.

I get dressed and head towards the house to my left. 

I knock on the door, soon after I hear a t.v. getting turned off then rushing feet, next thing I know the door opens to an old enemy of mine.

"Hello, shouldn't you be in school?" Its the brunette.

"I'm not a high school student anymore, in fact I have a masters. My name is Y/n. What's yours?"

He looked shock and soon said," Hold here Y/N. Let me get my roommates."

With that the brunette left for a brief moment, only to return with the people who hated me.

"Y/n?" asked the white haired one. I simply stood a little taller as I nodded.

"Long time no see. Glad your my neighbors even though you bullied me for as long as I was in school." I said at the verge of tears.

"Y/n. We are sorry, in fact when you left we created a rumor that Ivy killed you. She was soon arrested, and is still in prison. I have become a big help and I have tried to find you to apologize but you never let anyone get close. Will you forgive us?" says the blue haired one.

I'm stand there, with a single tear running down my face. I feel a thumb on my cheek wiping the tear away. Its Blonde.

"First, what's your names? I'm hurt. You made me suicidal. I can't forgive that. You even made the nicest girl in school hate me. Aphmau was rude to me until I moved here years ago. I just want to be happy. So, what's your names?"





"Thanks. I'm going to hide away now."

I turn away but my arm is grabbed firmly and is turn around to see Garroth blushing up a storm. He looks kinda cute. "H-hey I was wondering i-if y-you would h-hang out t-t-today?" He's cute when he stutters.

"Fine. But let me go to the store and get real clothes. All I have are these uniforms."

The boys look towards each other and soon Travis says, "Let's hang out in the mall and do some shopping." 

I smile and Garroth quickly adds, "I'll pay for your clothes. I don't care for the price."

I'm about to tell him no thank you, when I'm suddenly shoved into a car in between Dante and Travis, while Laurence drives and Garroth in the driver's seat. The drive is about an hour. So I began to sing a song I taught myself.

Welcome To My Life

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place,
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you?
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you're screaming?

One Shots   {MCD X Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora