Dante {Female}

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I was orphaned last month. My parents were murdered next door to my room.

I'm a freshman going to Phoenix Drop High. I made no friends. I live by myself, in this black and white house. I sleep in my purple, black, and gray room.

I awake from a dreamless night by the blinding sun peaking through my black curtains.

I grab my black sweater and gray pants and attach my purple chains. I put my favorite mask on.  {Any Black and White mask You Like}

I haven't eaten much since the deaths. So I stare at the kitchen. I snap out of my thoughts and walk empty to the school. 

I walk out my door and plug in my headphones and listen to my favorite song.

~At School~

I arrive with ten minutes before the bell. I never made friends in middle school, expect for one. His name is Zane. I haven't had contact with him since that day.

I walk to the front doors to only realize they are locked. I groan, and roll my eyes. 

I knee in front of the door and work my pick locking magic. I feel a finger tap me. I pull out an earbud and look at the figure.

"Zane?" I ask. 

"Y/n! Irene its great to see you, how was your last month of summer, I noticed you stopped talking to me?" He asked.

"My parents were murdered, in the room next to me. Last month, I began to cut again Zane. Anyway, what about you?" I say as I hug the old friend.

I hear footsteps come closer to us. I look up from Zane's shoulder to see a blue haired boy, with matching eyes.

"Zane, you were friendless until now? What happened?" the stranger asked. I'm still hugging Zane.

"She's an old friend, in fact one of my only friends." Zane replied and released the hug.

"Name's Dante cutie." He winked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and say, "Y/n."

I forgot how to feel happy since that day, Zane made me feel like I was betraying my friend. Dante, well, he's kinda cute. Snap out of it!

"Zane can you help me with my classes, I might be freshman age but, I'm taking Sophomore classes." I ask as I hand him my list of classes.

"Actually, I'm a Sophomore so I might be able to help." Dante suggested. Zane gives him my list.

"You have classes with me up until 3rd period, then you'll be with Garroth, Zane's brother, until school ends. Here lets go see Garroth." He starts walking to a small group. Three boys and two girls.

Zane is lagging behind, so I decide to tease the old friend.

"Come on ZuZu~ don't you want to see your old friend talk for once." I taunt.

"Don't call me that! And I'm only a few steps behind you." he says.

We arrive at the small group.

"Y/n, meet, Laurence, Garroth, Aphmau, and Katelyn. Guys met Y/n." Dante cheers.

"I thought my little brother had no friends growing up, when did you happen?" Garroth asks, as Dante hands him my list.

"5th grade we met, and in 6th grade we became great friends, when he was blind in one eye I was the only one who remained by his side. SO we grew close, like brother and sister kind of." I explained.

"Plus, Y/n is awesome when she's not teasing me." Zane adds.

"Look Garroth, Aphmau we have a new art buddy!" Laurence claimed.

One Shots   {MCD X Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz