Laurence {Female}

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I'm sitting in my room waiting for the music to start. I sing for a living. I make money by posting videos of me singing.

I'm known as LunaFighter45 {100% Made up, if there is someone named that, wow, Your lucky! Lol}

I'm pretty damn famous with 12 million people following me. I just finished moving my equipment to my bedroom and set up the corner to match my last set up.

The camera said it was recording. I don't know how to edit, so I play the music and begin to sing.

I only sing songs that match my history. Nobody knew this. I was a freak as a kid, I had a power that scared all magicks users.

{Play Music}

As I sing, I look out the open window in front of me, I see a handsome, brunette boy staring at me while talking on the phone. His blue eyes were warming me up, making me sing longer and more powerfully. 

As I get to a touch verse I here a knock at my door. I ignore it and continue.

The song as ended by now. I hear a knock once again, I begin to walk towards the door, then remember my mask is still on.

I quickly take it off and answer the door. "Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for a girl with a F/c bandanna, and long silver hair. Is she here?"

I can't tell him, that's me. I look at him in the eyes and simply smile and invite him inside. He begins to look around, then soon says, "Oh I forgot, my name is Laurence. What do they call you?"

"Y/n. Also, you probably were watching one of LunaFighter45's videos. She's pretty popular you know?"

He looked at me with joy. "You watch her too?!" He almost looked like some of my fan-girls.

"Yeah in fact I've met her she's pretty shy to be honest."

He exploded and began to ask so many questions while I answered everyone one of them. Until a certain question popped up.

"Are you, Y/n, LunaFighter45?" he asked with wide eyes.

I hesitated which he caught on. Soon enough he began to scream and hug me. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!"

"Wait Laurence is your name right?"

He nodded.

"I use to date a Laurence when I wen to Phoenix Drop High School. That guy can make a girl come out of their shell quicker than you can say 'Lovely.'"

His eyes brightened and soon squinted at me. "It really is you. I didn't want to believe you were my neighbor. I dumped you years ago cause I fell in love with Aphmau across the street. I'm sorry Y/n. And I promise to keep this a secret."

I shudder and soon get some snacks and drink for the two of us.

Its almost midnight when I check the time. Thankfully I uploaded A few hours ago. Though it was very different when you ave someone watching you. When I finished Laurence Hugged me long, and thoughtfully. I want to say he is still a sweet boy, but he has to apologize a lot more to earn my trust.

"Y/n I found some beer want some?!" Laurence yells from the kitchen, he thankfully interrupted my thoughts. "Sure toss this way!" He does so and I catch it. Before I know it  I'm completely drunk and so is he. Unfortunately I've been told I'm a flirtatious kind of drunk. So is he. 



I wake in a pair of arms. Its Laurence. I stir around but not enough to walk him. As I move I discover we are both completely naked.

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