Gene {Female}

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My name is Y/n. I live on MyStreet. I'm a shadow Knight and a descendant of Irene. 

I have a split appearance. 

On my right I have white feathered wing with blonde long hair and a white dress. With a matching white horn. My eye is a light blue.

On my right I have a black dress with black short hair. I have a demonic wing that's black and red. I have a red horn atop my head. My eye is a deep blood red.

I wear a white mask over my eyes and my hair is hidden in a beanie. My horns are filed down so they don't show. Sadly they grow back quickly. I leave my wings alone. since I don't talk to people.

I have one friend and he is also my crush. He is Gene. He lives with me on the street. Aphmau is one of my friends. Tonight she invited us for a sleepover. In fact she invited the whole street.

I've only met Aphmau, and Gene obviously. 

We start packing.

~Time skip to the party~

Gene and I arrive. We are greeted by a girl with light blue hair. She invites us in. I walk to the living room. I'm soon stared at by a group of boys and girls. I soon go on my knees and wrap myself in my wings and hide.

"Y/n, Gene, Great to see you!" a familiar voice echoed.

I jolt up and run to her arms and hug her tightly. I whisper in her ear. "They won't stop staring at me. Help me please." I beg.

She soon releases the hug and moves me to the t.v. in front of the big group.

She starts to speak.

"Everyone this is Y/n. Is is a unique combination. she was very scared when you all stared at her. So say sorry and introduce yourselves." She speaks calmly. Her hand holds my wrist in comfort.

"we are sorry Y/n. The boys are Garroth, Laurence, Zane, Aaron, Travis, and Dante. The girls are Kawaii~Chan, Cadenza, Lucinda and I'm Katelyn." the person with light blue hair said. As she said the names she pointed to each person. 

"I'm Y/n and that's my roommate Gene." I say. I walk to Gene but a grip stops me in my tracks. I snap around to see, the newly introduced, Aaron holding my arm ad keeping me away from him.

"Let me go." I claim. I struggle to get out of his strong grip. I soon become impatient. I grow angry. My horns grow back and my beanie falls off my mask splits in two. I spread my wings and snarl once then bite the boy's hand with my sharp ass fangs. I make him bleed. I soon run away from him straight to Gene who hugs me and comforts me until I calm down.

"What the fuck was that?!" Garroth asks as he stands in front of Aaron while Aphmau heals him.

I move my head deeper into Gene's chest. He sighs and then speaks. "Y/n is  Shadow Knight, Angel mix. She is the daughter of Shad and Irene. Her powers are uncontrollable." 

The group looked a mix of scared and remorseful. 

"Why the fuck did you bite me bitch?" Aaron says as a red bandanna is wrapped around his bleeding hand. All I do is hug Gene even tighter. He soon places an arm around me. I smile into his chest.

"Aphmau, can we both see you somewhere private quickly?" Gene asks. I have no clue what he is planning.

"Sure! Anything for a friend." She replies. She leads us to her room and shuts the door behind us. She sits on  her desk chair while Gene and I sit on the bed.

"Gene why did you want to talk in private?" I ask.

"Listen, I think Y/n should sleep close to you, Aphmau. The others don't seem to like her. I'm going to be next to my brother obviously." Gene explains. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and places a kiss on my forehead before saying, "I can't be there to help her all the time. Remember high school? I was a jerk with a soft heart for her. I just need some help this time."

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