Battle Ready

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Hey guys I think this is better time wise than usual don't you think?? Enjoy

Jesse POV
Everything is finally ready. I can't wait to finally claim what is mine!!

Zachary POV
Everything is finally done!! Soon, my chameleon, you shall be mine!!

Rose POV
All of the pranks are finally in place. Cammie and her friends both helped tremendously. Everyone is finally ready for anything the strigoi throw at us. I don't know for sure when they'll be coming, but I have an advantage of feeling sick every time they're near. Hopefully they'll come soon so we can get this over with.

Zach POV
"Are we there yet??" I asked Jesse. I'm impatient to getting to my chameleon.

"For the last time WE'LL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE!!" Jesse growled.

Finally we spotted the gates of Gallagher Academy in the distance. I grinned evilly. It's about dang time.

Jesse smirked before pointing out the obvious, "We're here and they'll never see us coming."

Rose POV
I can feel the sickness growing stronger. I better tell Rachel they're coming.

I ran to Rachel's office and knocked furiously.

"Come in," she said calmly.

I came in and told her of my feeling and what it meant. She looked worried, but also determined. We both have each other the look of "it's time."

Soon, everyone was in place. The strigoi will never know what they're running into.

I have girls armed with crossbows and regular bows, using silver stakes as arrows, and silver stakes everywhere. The pranks are in place around the perimeter, and there's one on each entrance into the Academy. Not to mention the whole lawn is boobytrapped, and we are all hidden waiting for the strigoi to show up for their demise.

The sick feeling showed up stronger and it wasn't long before the first strigoi broke through the trees behind the Academy.

I signaled our archers to fire. Surprisingly it worked. They went down, but they weren't dead yet. One of the girls went and finished him off with the stake that was shot. That was all part of the plan.

Soon a whole bunch of strigoi came out of the trees at full speed. Some were distracted by sticky slime in their eyes, and were easier to take down. Soon, that first wave was done. More and more strigoi were coming, and not just from the trees either. They came from all around. The pranks had to be set up again in that small break before the huge wave of strigoi came. They certainly made it easier to kill them. Elizabeth Sutton, one of Cammie's friends, brought an invention that's pretty much an acid thrower. It's supposed to make the strigoi feel as if they're burning, but the only thing to make them burn is the silver stakes and the sun.

Sutton tried her weapon on them and unsurprisingly it didn't work. She ran back in the Academy to tweak it a bit I suppose. I see some girls wounded on the ground. At least none were dead yet. I need to try my hardest to make sure none of them die.

I carried girls on the ground inside. As I was pulling the last girl in to get tended too, I was ambushed by Dimitri and crew. They wanted to know what was happening outside. Maybe their help would be useful.

"Liss, stay here and help the wounded. Don't use your magic. Christian, protect the Academy from the entrances. Abe, make sure the pranks are always set up and in place. Mom, you're out on the battlefield with Alberta. Dimitri, you're with me. Got it??" I asked everyone. After a nod of confirmation, Dimitri and I headed outside and on top of a roof to see where we were needed most.

In the distance I saw two people watching the battle. One looked like Jesse. That BASTARD. HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US.

I pointed them out to Dimitri and he nodded. We found Rachel and Cammie and told them. We gathered up Alberta, Mom, Cammie, Sutton, and Baxter to come bring them down and question them.

Soon we surrounded them, but we were hidden. They had no clue we were there. I stepped out and faced them.

Jessie smirked and said, "Well, well, well. Look who decided to come to daddy!!"

I looked at him in disgust and said, "In your dreams, fishbreath. I came here to stop you from doing any more damage."

"Oh yeah, and how exactly are you going to do that??" Jesse questioned with a smirk on his face.

I smirked and gestured for the crew to come out of their spots. They came with Dimitri holding a dead strigoi. He threw it down in front of Jesse and Zach. The rest followed his example and did the same. That fool thought he could get us with strigoi while we had him surrounded. We trained for this.

They started to lose their smirks and actually look scared. It was a glorious moment. We took them captive and brought them back. Everyone had killed the strigoi now and many were wounded. Some of the non-fighters died sadly. They weren't able to be saved. We kept them from turning strigoi and had to kill them ourselves. Finally, we could call the Alchemists and get this mess cleaned up. Finally the final battle has ended.

"You know Jesse was more stupid than usual this time. It's not normally that easy to elude him," I confessed to Dimitri.

"Maybe it's because he was without Ralf this time," Dimitri guessed.

"Maybe," I mused.

The end guys. Thank you all for your patience with my book!!

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