I'm What?!

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I think we all know I'm slow at updating by now, so please bear with me.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face, which was unusual because the curtains were supposed to be covering it. Wait, where am I?? Oh yeah!! I'm in Roseville.

A familiar not so good nauseous feeling overcame me, and I rushed to the bathroom. After throwing up, I brushed my teeth, and sat back on the bed.

Now about getting nauseous.... I better check for strigoi around here.

I put on my black tank top, black leggings, black leather fitted jacket, and black combat boots. I put my hair up in a ponytail, grabbed my stake, and headed out.

My senses were on high alert as I checked around the hotel first.

*Time Skip*

I walked back to the hotel confused. The entire area was clear. There was no evidence of any strigoi being by. So how else would I have gotten nauseous??

Wait a second....
When was my last period?? Answer: not this month.

Oh shit. I better get a pregnancy test.

I went into a drug store I was passing and got what I needed. Seems like this small town only had one drug store, and it was named Abrams and Son.

I pitied the boy that must have been the son in the name of the store. Poor kid's probably missing out on life being behind a desk all day.

Hurriedly, I packed the multiple tests in my jacket with my stake, and headed back to the hotel.

Once in my hotel room, I made a beeline for the bathroom and did the tests. A few minutes later, and most of them were positive.

What the heck?! How could I possibly be pregnant?? I only did IT with HIM, so how is this possible?? I'll call up Dr. Olendzki, and see if she can meet me somewhere in Springfield, Illinois.

I pulled out my untraceable phone, and called her number. It rang for a couple of times before she picked up with a cautious, but sad tone.

"Hey Dr. Olendzki. It's Rose Hathaway-" I got cut off by a huge relieved sob from her. "Shh!! Be quiet!! No one can know I'm speaking with you!!" I whisper shouted. She finally calmed down a bit and asked what I needed.

"Can you meet me in Springfield, Illinois at 1am??" I asked. "Yea, I'll meet you at the welcome sign. And Rose??" "Yes??" "It's good to hear from you again," she went all sappy on me making me sad to have left her. "It's good to hear from you again too. See you at the sign," I said before hanging up.

I sighed as I threw the phone on the bed, and changed into some comfortable clothes. It was gonna be a ling wait, so I might as well get some rest.

*Time Skip*

I got up from a nightmare about HIM, and looked at the clock. Good it's 11pm. I should start traveling to Illinois now.

I packed and handed the keys to the room back before heading out to hitchhike. Eventually, a van with a bunch of hippies pulled up and asked if I needed a ride somewhere.

"Yea um how far are you willing to bring me?? I'm headed to Springfield, Illinois," I told them.

"We can take you as far as the Ohio border," the driver said. I nodded and climbed in.

After a long, awkward ride with the hippies, and much biting back sarcastic replies, we arrived at the Ohio border.

"This is as far as we go. Good luck in getting to Springfield," they waved happily at me. I sent them a sarcastic smile and said, "Thanks!! Good luck with wherever you're going."

After they were out of view, I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh of relief that I didn't have to stay any longer. I started walking towards Illinois when a truck with a hot guy pulled up next to me.

"Need a ride??" He asked while looking at my body. "No thanks perv, and my eyes are up here," I rolled my eyes while pointing to them.

He just smirked and said, "Suit yourself" before driving away.

I might be a hitchhiker, but I am not getting in some perv's car.

I ended up walking through the woods to Indiana. Thankfully, the hippies dropped me off at the border closest to Indiana.

I took a taxi to the Illinois border, and paid for it. I checked a nearby store's clock to find it was nearly 1am. Dr. Olendzki should be here any minute now.

A black car showed up, and Dr. Olendzki stepped out of the passenger seat. Wait a minute, who was driving then??

My question was answered in the form of a guard from Court. I glared at Dr. Olendzki and hissed, "I thought I said not to tell anyone!!"

I had no choice, I had gotten asked where I was going by Guardian Hans and he said to at least bring a guard. My glare softened before I sighed.

"Dr. Olendzki, I'm afraid I might be pregnant with Guardian Belikov's baby," I told her. She looked shocked. "B-but that's impossible!!" She all but yelled.

"Shh!!" I yelled before looking around. Seeing the coast was still clear, I looked back at her as she gave me a sheepish smile. "Oops sorry," she apologized.

"If you don't mind, Rose, will you come to the academy with me, so I can see in my office??" She asked me. "I don't care as long as it's not at Court. What was Hans doing at the Academy anyway??" I asked frowning. "Kirova sent for him for some business apparently," she said. I nodded and told her I'd go back with her.

I put my bag in first before getting in the back as we drove to the Academy. I hid when we were at the gate, and snuck with Dr. Olendzki to her office. She hooked me up while I lied on my bed in the doctor's office. She put some really cold gel on my stomach and looked at a screen.

"Rose, do you want to know the gender??" Dr. Olendzki asked. "Yes," I breathed out looking in awe at the screen that had pictures of my baby.

"You're five months pregnant with a baby boy, Rose," she said.

I felt my eyes well up with tears of happiness to know that I have a little boy. I'm also a little sad knowing that HE would've liked it too had he loved me. Don't think about HIM right now, Rose.

Dr. Olendzki interrupted my thinking by asking, "Have you decided on names??"

I smiled before telling her that I haven't, but I'm starting to think of some. Then, she sat down after cleaning my bulging stomach off and started rattling off boy names.

"There's Anthony, Brendon, Caleb, Derek, Nick, Mason-" she started before I cut her off. "Okay, okay I get it, but I was thinking more along the lines of Damon, Aleksandr, and Viktor."

She started thinking before I cried out, "YES!! I've got it!! What about Aleksandr Damon Belikov Hathaway Mazur??"

"That's a little long, Rose, are you sure you want to adopt your father's last name??" She asked. I frowned. He never really was apart of my life, and he didn't even know he had a grandson, but at least he wasn't as bad as Janine. "Yes, I'm sure," I told her with a determined look on my face.

Rose Hathaway and the Gallagher GirlsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin