Romitri Oneshot

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Here's a Romitri oneshot for all you Romitri shippers!!

Rose POV
I was walking around Court taking in the sights when Dimitri came up to me.
"Roza, want to go on a date with me?" He boldly asked her.
Since Rose was now of age, and Dimitri was no longer considered her teacher, they were now together.
Turning to him, Rose replied, "I would love to go on a date with you. Where to, Comrade?"
Dimitri smirked as he tapped his nose with his pointer finger. She groaned in frustration.
"What am I supposed to wear then?" Rose asked him.
"Dress casual, I'll pick you up at 6, " he told her.
Grinning, she pecked his lips before running off to her room.

*time skip*

Dimitri POV
I was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and my brown duster. I hope my Roza likes what I have planned. I have thought long and hard about this, and I have decided I want to propose to her. I know we are guardians, but I know Roza is the one for me, and we will be guarding Queen Vasilisa. She already has plenty of other guards with us, so it won't be too problematic if we save each other rather than the queen. I'm not saying that a situation like that would definitely occur, I'm just saying I thought through this thoroughly. Anyways, Rose's ring that I picked out is silver, and it has a small diamond with swirls around it. Engraved inside it says 'Forever and Always' to remind her we will always be together through anything life throws our way.

Rose POV
I wanted to look cute, but casual tonight for our date. I called in Lissa because I have no idea how to pull that off. After explaining everything, she squealed and ran into my closet. She pulled out some blue jeans that fit my figure nicely, and a plain dark blue blouse that was a low-cut neckline and loosely fit my curves. She also pulled out a pair of black flats.
"Tell me how it goes later, Rose, and I want the full details," Lissa sternly told me with a smile on her face.
After agreeing with her and putting on the clothes, I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and there was my Comrade looking all hot in his duster and jeans, holding a red rose. I put the rose in a vase half full of water before leaving with my Dimka.
"Are you going to tell me yet?" I asked Dimka.
"Nope," he said playfully as he led me to wherever we were going.
"It better have something to do with food because I am hungry," I told him.
He smirked like he had some inside joke in his head.
Shrugging it off, I let him lead me all the way to one of the Italian restaurants in Court. It was my favorite one in Court. I kissed him in thanks after seeing my favorite restaurant.
"Wow if I'm going to get kissed like that, I'm going to need to take you out on more dates," My Comrade cheekily said.
I laughed and told him to shut up as I led him into the restaurant.
We ate an entire large supreme pizza, a salad, breadsticks, and chocolate cake between us. I wouldn't let him pay for the whole thing, so we agreed to split it. However, when he got the check, the sneak signed the check, and pulled out his credit card and gave it to the waiter who took it. I punched him in the arm playfully, and accused, "I thought we had an agreement."
"If it really bothers you, you can pay the tip," My Comrade told me.
Satisfied with this, I pulled out a ten to give the waiter. When he arrived with the credit card, I gave him the ten and walked out with Dimitri. He started to walk with me around Court while starting up a conversation. When we were at the Court's garden, he stopped and looked me in the eyes.
"Roza, I love that you are the sun in my dark world. You light up my world with your smile, your laugh, and your jokes. You make my heart flutter when you call my Comrade, or Dimka. You are perfect to me in every way. You have an amazing sense of humor, and are great to hang around. You have this way of lighting up a room when you walk in. Even when you don't want to be seen, I'll always see your light calling to me like a beacon. You are perfect to me."
By now I had tears in my eyes as Dimitri was kneeling before me.
"Would you continue to light up my world by becoming my wife, and have it be us against the world?" He asked while holding out this gorgeously simple ring.
I cried out a definite yes as I flung my arms around him, and kissed him with all my might.
Breathlessly, I asked him, "you know I won't be able to give you children, right? Due to us being dhampirs."
"Actually I spoke with Oksana, and I found out anything is possible with you being shadow kissed and me being turned back from a strigoi. Both very rare, and in my case first that ever happened," Dimitri told me.
"That means we have a chance. A very small one, but it is a possibility," I told him happily.
Eventually we headed back to my room to cuddle, and watch Netflix for a while. Me gazing adoringly at my gorgeous ring, and him staring adoringly at me.

Welp there you go guys. One oneshot delivered. An update for the story will be longer than the usual ones, but there's no telling how long it will take. Love y'all, and stay happy!!

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