Exciting News A/N

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Ok guys I have some exciting news. Since it's Valentines Day this week for all couples and Single Awareness Day for all the single pringles out there, I figured I would make a Romitri one shot before continuing on with the story. No it will not be mature rating, I'm going more for the cute coupley stuff. And as an extra bonus single awareness day/Valentines Day gift to all of you, I'll make the next chapter a longer one than usual. I hope you guys will be really happy for that. Do you know how hard it is to find time for wattpad?? Stupid teachers and their love for making their students' lives miserable with homework and tests. Anyways I'll be making that oneshot for y'all and i will try my best for it to be put up on Valentines Day/Subgle Awareness Day.

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