Love Fades, Mine Has

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A/N This is my first story ever about Gallagher Girls and Vampire Academy. Please tell me if any information is wrong. Edited and revised. Lastly, I DO NOT own Vampire Academy or Gallagher Girls. They belong to Richelle Mead and Ally Carter.


Those four words rang in my head as he said them. "Love fades, mine has." (A/N this is directly from the book). I couldn't get them out of my mind and it was hard not to believe. My poor heart is suffering, and those four words were enough to make a deep cut in my heart. My first instinct was I had to talk with Lissa.

I looked for Lissa in my head trying to see through her eyes. She was in her bedroom with Christian, thankfully just cuddling, while watching a movie that was almost done. Perfect time to come over and have a chat. I walked to her quarters, and by the time I knocked they just finished the movie. It was Lissa who answered the door. She looked happy before, but now she knew it was me who knocked her expression dulled a little, and I can't say that it didn't hurt a little inside.

"Can I talk with you?" I asked in a soft voice, but kept my face expressionless.

One look, and she said fine.

"Ok spill, what's wrong now, Rose?" Lissa asked sassily, but I detected a little concern in her voice.

I told her, "Dimitri hurt me."

Great job, Rose, way to ease yourself into it.

Even I hate my sarcasm at times. This is one of those times.

Lissa looked shocked. "He hurt you?! He hurt you?!No Rose, you hurt him." She yelled at me.

Okay now I'm officially confused. What just happened??

"What did I ever do to him?!" I shouted back at her. My guardian mask is now dissipated, and my angry face is on now.

"You should know. You caused his pain," Lissa told me finally having cooled down to a glare.

I went to speak again, but she cut me off by slamming the door shut in my face.

Although I was deeply hurt my own best friend took HIS side, what she said gave me an idea. You know what? She didn't want me around, then fine. I was going to leave. HE can guard her enough for the both of us.
Once I got to my room, I pulled out a bag and started packing. Tears streamed down my face as I finally let go as I was alone. I kept it simple and only packed one duffle bag, and I hid my stake on my person.
Time to tell Hans I quit. Oh joy.

So how was the intro?? What will Dimitri's reaction be to Rose's absence?? Will Dimitri even notice her absence?? What happens to Rose now??

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