Rose and Dimitri

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I kept switching up how I wanted this chapter done and I think I finally settled on something. Thank you for your patience, readers who still hold out for my updates. P.S. the pic is from Pandora in Animal Kingdom in Disney World. Just got back from vacation!!

Rose POV
"-and that's how I ended up here," I finished explaining.

I got various reactions throughout my story. I was nervous but I managed to tell them about the child I have that's Dimitri's. At first, no one believed me when I explained who the father was. Then after explaining that I've never had sex with anyone else, and the fact that they could see truth and sincerity written all over my face, they finally believed.

I brought them all up to Rachel's office. I'm pretty sure she'll want to see them. I explained to her what I didn't tell them and who they were to me. She nodded and gestured for me to walk out so she could explain to them about the school.

Dimitri looked as thought he would protest as I walked out, but the look on Rachel's face made him think twice.

"I'll comm you when I'm done, Rose," Rachel told me before I disappeared.

With a nod, I began walking to my room to tend to Alex.

Unknown POV
The sun was about to set. The dark cave now held hundreds of strigoi. There's no way the dhampir and humans had a chance of defeating them now. The time is coming for Zach and Jesse to get what they want. They won't rest until they have them.

Dimitri POV

That's all I could think right now.

Rose sure did go through a lot when I lied about not loving her. I mean she even got a job at a spy school!! I just wish I never lied, so she wouldn't have had to raise a child by herself.

Mrs. Morgan commed my beautiful Roza that she was done as she finished answering our questions. A few minutes later, Roza led us to a few spare rooms that were apparently by hers.

"Roza, may I speak with you?" I asked her in the way I was raised.

With a quick nod and a follow me, we were heading into a big room with decorative furniture and a comfy looking bed. Since there was a crib to the side, I kinda figured it was Roza's room. She went over to the crib before picking up her- I mean our- baby. Alex, I remember the name being. Seeing Alex in my Roza's arms was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. My love for her has possibly just grown- which should have been impossible seeing as how it was pretty huge beforehand.

Eventually, I brought up the courage to speak with her about our stance and what I could do to help her. She clearly explained that we'd have to take things slow and be friends for now, and that I could help with Alex. I would help her any way possible because not only do I love my Roza, I get the feeling that something major is probably going to come along and ruin what happiness is established.

Rose POV
I watched Dimitri as he gazed at me lovingly. I wondered what he was thinking about before turning my attention back to Alex. He was getting heavier. Madame Dabney better stop feeding him so much when I'm gone, or I doubt anyone will be able to hold him. I smile down at my beautiful Alex while I still can. I get the feeling that this will be one of the last peaceful times I have before something major comes along and ruins it.

There you go. 618 words of a new update. I finally stuck with a good way to make this chapter, and I hope the next one will be easier. Thanks again for your patience. Until next update.

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