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Hey guys so have any of y'all ever had that funny, awkward teacher who lives to make your life awkward?? Well that would be my English teacher. Today for our test, since it was on the computer and needed a password to enter the test, she put the password as daddy. I almost died out of sheer awkwardness and laughter. Some symptoms were turning into the reddest tomato the world has ever seen, derpy expression on the face, and air clapping like a seal. And she also put as a multiple choice question: "Which of the following does the main character dance?" And the choice answers were: twerking, the German Waltz, tarantula, and tarantella. The correct answer was tarantella, but the other choices were not healthy for the imagination. Especially since I have a very vivid one. Okay that's the end of my rant about English today. I'm working on the next chapter!!

Rose Hathaway and the Gallagher GirlsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora