Better Ideas

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(Grell shall be referred to as she until stated otherwise)

Your Pov

"Darling, I've changed my mind" Grell suddenly exclaims, grabbing my hand. Darling? "But you seemed so excited about lunch" I mutter as the overexcited red head drags me through town. "Ah, but this will be so much fun" she giggles pulling me into a nearby store. 


"Grell, I don't know how I feel about this" I groan, pulling at the silk noose around my throat. "Tch, don't you know how to tie a tie" she huffs shoving my hands away to re-tie the noose herself. "Well, oddly enough I've never worn a suit before" I huff. Since birth I've always worn dresses, it was seen as improper and scandalous for a woman to wear pants and such. "There we go. Now we don't have to worry about anyone trying to sweep you away" Grell grins, linking her arm through mine. That feels like an insult.... "It's going to take more than a practiced smile and a few pretty lines to sweep me away" I huff, straightening my suit jacket. "Although I do like the change of wardrobe, it's a lot lighter and easier to move in" I admit, flashing her a brief grin. "Why do you think such an active woman as myself wears pants. Hm" she smirks. "Oh, I don't know, to show off your figure?" I snicker. "Well, that as well" she mutters obviously not catching the sarcasm that laced my voice.

"So whats the plan now, since we've missed or reservation" I mutter strolling along with the red head. "We don't need a plan. We'll just improvise, it makes it seem less like another chore on the to-do list and more like an adventure. Wouldn't you agree?" she smirks dragging me across the cobbled streets toward the towering clock. "Why not start our date off with a little sight seeing. Hm" She chuckles. When was this a date?

The shades of Red (Grell x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now