Demons are Manipulative

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(Edited - 16/7/17)

Your Pov

"Brother, I don't think your master likes me" I quietly whine as we follow after the young bluenette. "The young master isn't overly fond of anyone, but he certainly is an interesting soul. So pure at its centre yet bathed in sin" he grins, lazily drawing his tongue across his lips. "Sebastian! you dirty pervert!" I gasp grabbing him tightly by the ear. "I get the whole soul thing but that's no reason to act like a dirty old man after some yaoi action!" I scowl giving a sharp tug to his ear, forcing him to crouch down to my height. "I'll promise you this brother if you do anything to that boy without his consent I will personally see to it that you won't be classed as a man anymore. If you get what I mean" I smirk, raising my other hand to make a scissoring action.

His face visibly paled, which in all honesty I thought wasn't even possible. "Of course s-sister" he hurriedly grins. "you know I don't like being the violent younger sister, but you really force my hand sometimes" I sigh releasing him. "What can I say, I'm one hell of a brother" he smirks. He recovered pretty quickly. "Would you two hurry it up already. I wish to return to the manor" The young master irately sighs. "Of course young master lets make haste" I happily grin quickly catching up, with Sebastian casually trailing behind me. 

"So tell me Miss (f/n) are you a demon like Sebastian?" Ciel suddenly asks once we enter the carriage. "why is that young master, do you wish to make a contract with me too?" I tease. "It may be useful to have two demons at my command after all that bloody Trancy seems to be swimming in them" he bitterly spat. "Well sorry to disappoint young master but I'm very human, only with a few improvements" I smirk. "Now I have a question for you master. What is it exactly that made you desperate enough to form a deal with a demon. Their very greedy and manipulative" I murmur, turning my face to the coach window.

"My parents were murdered. I was stripped of my family, of my pride and my honour. Nobody was going to save me, so decided to save myself. My thirst for revenge and my hot blooded hate will ensure my success. I will kill their murderer and when that day comes I will surrender my soul to Sebastian." His voice stays in the same low pitch as he drones on in the same monotone voice, it was as if he had repeated this story many times as if it had been carved into his soul. So this is why Brother wished for me to work for the young master. "In our darkest hour, we pray to the devil to save us" I bitterly mutter. Ciel and I are very different in outward appearance, yet we couldn't be any more identical on the inside.

"We have arrived" Sebastian calls opening the carriage door to reveal a magnificent Manor. "Ah, it's so beautiful!" I gush leaping out of the carriage fully taking in the sight before me. "I will be in my office. Sebastian, bring me something sweet when you are finished with miss (f/n)" With a loud sigh Ciel took off toward the manor not sparing us a single glance. I wait until Ciel had fully ducked into the manor before grabbing Sebastian by the throat "Sebastian what is it you hope to gain?" I spit. "I haven't the faintest clue to what you're talking about sister" he states. His cocky attitude dropping only to be replaced by the expressionless mask I had come to hate. "Don't play with me, Michaelis! What do you have to gain from me being here! I won't change my mind" I grit tightening my grip on his throat. "I wish you would." he sighs pressing his palms lightly against my face. "Just watch sister. His story is almost identical to yours. Watch as he's slowly consumed by his thirst for revenge. Watch as it becomes his end" he murmurs. "I'm sorry brother, but it won't change my mind" I bitterly chuckle releasing my grip. "Then I must try harder to change your mind. Now come along the master will be getting impatient and we don't wish for his to throw a tantrum now do we" he chuckles restoring his cocky expression.

Demons truly are manipulative. To think you would stoop so low as to force me to help you serve a soul that is almost identical to my own. A soul that has the same scars. A soul who has lived through similar horrors, and worst of all he's merely a child. He may hold an adult like attitude and image but he's only a child. He has so much more to experience in life, yet because monsters truly do exist the thread he clings to will be cut before he reaches the end.

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