Sure Their Interesting...

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(Edited - 16/7/17)

Your Pov

We continued through the manor till we reached a plain wooden door. "Sebastian's gonna kill us! Yes, he is!" A frantic female yells. I turned toward my brother to see him pinching the bridge of his nose "Not again" he mutters. Paying no mind to his unusual moping I give the door a slight push causing the people inside to still at my sudden appearance. It was a war zone. Burn marks clawed up the walls to the ceiling, a bag or two of flour had been ripped open and spread through out the kitchen, while what I guess was once a beautiful dinner set lay in pieces on the floor.

"Does someone wish to explain what happened here" I sigh. "Well-" "just wait one moment" I interrupt the soot covered man who was currently holding a match between his teeth. "Sebastian, get in here" I sigh grabbing his coat and with a slight tug pulled him into the kitchen. "Carry on" The three, who I'm guessing are the servants shared a look before shoving the youngest one forward. "It's your turn Finny" The soot covered man from before grins. "Just clean this mess up. This is (f/n) she will be working where ever her help is needed, take care of her or there will be dangerous, very dangerous consequences" Sebastian grins before dashing off. "H-he said dangerous twice?" Finny stutters. "Just ignore him I think it's his time of the month" I giggle patting the blonde haired boy's cheek. He cocked his head in response and frowned "Time of the month?" "Huh? you don't know what that means. Well, you see when a woman-" "Uh, Miss (f/n) I d-don't think you should tell him about that, no I don't" the maid in a flustering mess rushes over to block finny's ears. "But it's a normal fact of life" I pout. 

Together the four of us managed to clean the kitchen so it appeared new. "Oh yea, we almost forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Bard, the cook" the blonde man introduces himself. It might be a good idea to take note of these people. Bard seems rather over confident as well as impatient but he's not so bad on the eyes, his aura gives off a reassuring warmth so he must be a protector. "I'm Mey-rin the maid, yes I am" a woman wearing a maid uniform and over-sized glasses, enthusiastically greets. Hmm, a little off balance and a bit ditsy but has a positive attitude and she lets off a sweet aura so she must be kind. "And I'm Finny the gardener" the boy with a straw hat grins. Little Finny seems rather childish and innocent, but his aura seems to harbour both warmth and a sweet scent. Yet there is one thing, in particular, they all give off, there is a bitter feeling masked at their centres. "So this is why you choose them, brother" I muse watching the servants happily converse.

"It didn't take you very long to figure it out" he chuckles in response, appearing at my side. "Is it just to protect the young master or do you have some thread of compassion in that cold body of yours. Or maybe you have a serious sister-complexion, so you feel the need to collect people just as damaged as me" I snicker. "You've become rather bitter over the years sister, your soul use to be the brightest and now it's almost a mirror image of the masters" he smirks. "So once your master's gone do you want my soul?" I muse. His smirk suddenly turns into a fierce snarl as he digs his fingers into my forearm all but dragging me down the hallway before throwing me into a bedroom.

"You will live a full, human life. You will have a human family and die of old age before joining your Father in heaven!" he yells finally braking his composure. "I would rather my brother claim my soul but if you refuse to make a deal with me I'll find another demon whose willing to" I shrug taking a seat on the bed. "I'm sure mother can prevent that" He smirks. "Tch, don't speak about her in my presence" I seethe. "She misses you" he sighs laying a hand on my head. "If she did she wouldn't have abandoned me" Seeing this would get him nowhere Sebastian sat beside me and held my hand lightly in his own. "I know we left you, but I'm here now and I won't let anything hurt you" he assured. "I'll believe it when I see it" I tease. "I'm not making a deal with you.." he firmly states. 

Quickly standing up I place a soft kiss on the top of his head before grinning. "If you really want to make up for it, you could always bake me something like you did when I was younger" I cheekily grin. "Bassy!" a shrill voice calls before the door is violently ripped open and a mass of red knocks me over. "Oh bassy, where did you find such a cutie?" it giggled. "What the hell are you!"

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