Chapter 12

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She was the happiest she had ever been on the surface.  The poop was almost nowhere to be seen on her body and she was somewhat hydrated.  She licked the puddles of water off several leaves in the forest.  She knew some of the water was contaminated with something and that licking random leaves would get her sick.  "Too fucking bad.  I'm sick already bitches!" She yelled to the empty woods.  Sadly she kept vomiting the water every 10 minutes.  There were many hills and inclines in this forest and climbed all of them.  The humidity was worsening by the day, causing her hair to poof up like a dark brown cloud of pollution.  It had been what, a week or two since she left the bunker, and she hadn't thought about it for at least 6 hours and a half.  She was thinking about what would she say if she saw a person, "hi, I'm Angie." "Hey, where you from..." or "Hey, I'm willing to experiment..." She laughed to herself and twirled her hair.  She was going crazy in these woods and she didn't do anything to stop it.  She quit walking and took every piece of clothing off of herself and started dancing like no one was watching.  She spun and dropped to the ground and danced as if she was getting paid for it.  She held onto a thin tree and swung on it, smiling at the sky.  "Woo!" She twerked on the thin tree and she swore he blushed.  "Aww thank you sir, but put your money where your bark is." She giggled and ran her hands all around her body.  "Let'ssssss race!" She said in a man voice and bolted through the forest, ripping through branches and running faster than the speed of sound.  She didn't know how she got the energy to do any of this, but she did.  She found something inside of herself that was buried by the bunker, this feeling was just freedom, it was nothing else except this.  She didn't worry about whatd she eat or drink tomorrow or how she'd go to sleep, she just wanted to win the race of her life. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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