Chapter 5

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They met so many people here and already knew everyone. Yet of course there weren't too many people in the McDonald's to begin with. Becca had found her twin African American sister Taya and she had a guy friend named Robert who she so dearly loved. Ish. She slowly started to detach from Felix everyday, spending more time with the McDonald's people. He would get so mad, he knew they were never friends, but at least they came from the same place, grew somewhat with the same people and lost those people together. But of course, he couldn't stay mad at her, he was just telling himself that because he hadn't really grown close to anyone here. Felix believed the most fun place to be was at the Wal-Mart commune. He had only been there twice, but in those short two days, he laughed with them and ate with them, and even went to war for them. (There was a gang war with the bowling alley on Concord Ave. And walmart, so we had to eradicate them). Oh well, he thought, and got back to work piling microwaves into the wall. "Felix, pass the duct tape please." Henry said as he grabbed the tape from Felix's hands. "Thanks bud. " He started whistling the national anthem and Felix chuckled to himself. "What'er you laughin at. This is the pride of America. Yall should know how to whistle it." Felix mumbled some stupid comment and quickly replaced it with a forced laugh to not anger Henry in case he found the comment offensive. "Henry, what if I told you I was an illegal immigrant from Mexico?" Felix said not looking him in the eyes. "Um, well then, I guess I'll have to deport you myself, like all my white forefathers did." They both started laughing as Felix squeezed one last microwave in. "Damn, this town really liked to microwave food." Felix said, "tell me about it, you shoulda seen how these people looked like, you can tell they like microwaves." This got them hard laughing and Aaron came from the side entrance of the wall and began cracking up. "You sure can't keep your voices down, I'm damn sure that the sick can hear you, and I'm talking about the ones already in the ground." Felix laughed once more. Man, these people are so corny, he thought, but I'm corny too, here at least. Felix hadn't laughed in so long that anything was hilarious now. Henry wiped his hands on a dirty white rag cause of the grease and blood from the microwaves, and spoke to Aaron "did you find any critters?" "Who says 'critters'? " Felix said as Henry passed him the rag. Henry rolled his eyes and Aaron answered him, "you done right I found some critters Henry. I say critters Felix... anyways, I'd like to take you boys to go huntin, I found some nice lookin deer near the apartment homes, left most of them alive for ya. " Felix shook his head. "Sorry Aaron, I've never been hunting, I don't think I'm good at it" "Felix it's ok, many people have been hunting for years and still can't shoot a corpse, just look at Aaron here." Henry said quickly as he ran into the McDonald's to avoid a beating by Aaron. A woman with long red hair came in from the side entrance of the wall and shut it quickly, "Hey Alice." Felix said. "Hey kid, how you doin? " She grabbed him and gave him a big red kiss on the top of the head. Alice was a tall skinny woman with dyed Red hair and visible wrinkles and she always wore bright red lipstick. She was always full of love and shared it with anyone and everyone, Felix thought of her as the den mother of the group, or at least the dysfunctional weird aunt. "Hello Aaron, I just want to say one thing. Do not send me to Winter Garden again, that place is one pretty shit hole. And I mean a bad shithole."
"Alice dear, I don't think there is such thing as a pretty shithole. " She slapped his arm in a friendly manner and told Felix to part ways, since she had to talk to Aaron about something important. Felix was going to walk into the McDonald's but turned to go to the parking lot, where the garden was. Jasper and Leslie were always there and they always needed help pulling weeds. It was almost sunset, chores would end in a couple of minutes, he might as well spend the last few actually doing chores. He parted the tent flaps and walked in. There was a rather small wooden table right next to the entrance where they would put garden tools or pots and such, except all of that was littered on the ground because Becca was laying on the table with Robert on top of her kissing her neck. When she saw Felix her relaxed face and soft smile melted right off and she jumped and almost threw Robert off of her. "Fuck. Ugh Felix what are you doing here? " Felix was red and flustered, "uh sorry..." He left quickly without looking back. It's fine, that's normal, it's the Apocolypse, and people have sex, especially teenagers, he told himself as he sat on the curb of the resturant. He wished he had weed to smoke, or any type of drug. He never did anything close to drugs back then, but now, he wished he had, he wished he had cocaine filling his nostrils while swallowing weed, which is not healthy for anybody. "Why are you sittin all depressed?" Henry came from the kitchen entrance and sat besides him. "Henry this is litterally the perfect time to be depressed." Felix meant to say it in a sad tone, but he couldn't help but smile. He always smiled when talking to people, it just seemed polite. Henry was about to say something when a loud moan came from the garden tent. Litterally... "is someone hurt?" Henry said looking worried, Felix died in laughter and layed down on the small warm sidewalk, looking up at the pink sky. "I guess this is the time to be all depressed. " Henry said and layed down on the sidewalk, but in the opposite direction of Felix. "I hope hunting will be fun tomorrow. I want to shoot at something other than the sick." "And people" Henry said, reminding the two of them that they were actual murderers. "Yeah."

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