Chapter 2

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Becca looked at him with horrified eyes and the two ran to Eddie's house.  "What what, who was that?!" Becca said on the verge of tears.  Eddie pulled out two, long silver pistols and jumped over the table, "weapons ready. " the three of them ran outside.  Ms. Nuchen ran in front of a bright  yellow and orange house, where the scream came from.  There were a lot of other screams and yells, which quickly died down, but as soon as the three were about to barge inside, a tall young man with tousled blond hair named Dillan, ran out of his house, and the part of his face where his mouth and nose was, was covered in dark red blood.  Dark green veins etched his pale white skin and his eyes were clouded with different shades of dark green.  His voice was deep and almost demonic when he screeched and jumped on the closets person in front of his house, which was Ms. Nuchen, the community's teacher.  She screamed at the top of her lungs as Dillan chomped the side of her face; blood splattered again as he bit her cheek this time, but he ripped flesh off.  Eddie quickly stood above Dillan and BOOM!  Brains flew in the air and Dillan fell beside of Ms. Nuchen, smoke coming from his head.  Ms. Nuchen choked on her own blood, then she spasmed and fell  as she shut her eyes.  "What the hell!" Eddie yelled to only Becca and the boy.  "Where is Veronica?  Please don't tell me she was the one who screamed."  Veronica was Dillans wife.  Eddie, the boy, and a grown up named Charles walked into the house, guns ready.  Becca soon came behind them with her machete; they each went into a separate cavity in the house.  Becca and the boy went into the dinning room; there was blood everywhere and plates and forks littered the ground.  "Wasn't Dillan having dinner with everyone?" The boy nodded and said, "Yeah." "Look, some of the forks on the floor, they are dripping with blood, people must've fought back."  He nodded again, he could only agree with Becca, because his heart was humming like a helicopters propellers.  "Felix, Becca!!!" Eddie yelled and gunshots exploded from the living room.  Felix froze, but then saw Becca already running, so he followed her inside.  A couch was overturned, and two unidentifiable eaten corpses spewed the ground.  Eddie was holding back two Undead while another one, with its legs all eaten up, was holding his foot and eating his calves.  Other than the Undead with eaten up legs, was another dead corpse, there was a big hole on his cheek.  That's Frank, Felix thought.  Eddie yelped again as a female Undead bit his arm while the other one ripped his ear off with its teeth.  Becca screeched, but swung her machete down on the corpse that was eating his leg.  Felix aimed his pistol at the one eating Eddie's ear, and Becca yelled "NO!" and reached for his gun, but he already squeezed the trigger.  Eddie let out a quick whimper and his head swung to the side and he fell down.  Felix froze and dropped the gun on the floor.  The two zombies quickly turned around and snarled; one of them, had her entire face chewed off so it was just a bowl of mashed meat and hanging skin with teeth, while the other one, which Feliz recognized as the 17 year old mechanic, Felipe, had no skin on his forehead and most of the flesh and surface meat of his neck was gone.  Felipe yelled and jumped on Becca who screamed.  The woman zombie sprinted/ crawled towards Felix; he pushed her back, then she screamed again and jumped on Feliz too.  Becca screamed as blood and saliva from Felipe drooled onto her face.  "Felix!  HELP!  SOMEONE PLEASE, HELLPP!"  Felipe was much older, bigger, and stronger than Becca and Felix combined, so Becca was getting overpowered.  Felix still had his kitchen knife in his hand, so he grabbed the back of her head, pulled her hair back, and while struggling, slid the blade into where he thought was her eye hole.  She vomited blood onto Felix, and she rolled to his side.  Felipe broke Beccas grasp and went to bite her shoulder when, "BOOM! BOOM!" The first,bullet went into his back, but the second one went straight into his baby spot. Felix shoved Felipe off and helped Becca up who was vigorously shaking.  "W-what...t-t-the...HELL!"  She wiped the blood off her face and screamed at the corpses, and then she started to cry, there were four more younger, smaller bodies on the floor.  Felix was still in shock, but he was awkward enough to not do anything to comfort her except talk.  "B-becca... what are we gonna do? "  Becca didn't answer at first, she just let out a loud and painful sob, "I. Don't. Fucking.  KNOW FELIX.  I'M NOT IN IN IN CHARGE HERE!  YOU FUCKING KILLED THE GUY IN CHARGE AND AND FROZE AGAIN, AGAIN!" Felix's eyes burned and his chest felt hollow, yet extremely hot, just like his ears.  "I I I I I i didn't k-know what to dooo." His voice started breaking, but he held in any tears to not feel any weaker than he already did.  Becca shook her head and scratched it viciously.  "We are alone, we are actually alone.  My sister won't be back till tomorrow and we don't even know if she will, and Nacho and Martha were supposed to be here DAYS ago." 
"Then we wait here Becca, we wait here for 2 days, and if they aren't back by then, we leave."
"Wh~are you crazy? We can't LEAVE Felix, we are 14 years old, ALONE, and in the fucking Apocolypse!  I HAVE TO WAIT FOR SAMMY!"
"We give her two days to come back, that's way more than enough time for her.  We can't stay here forever, like you said, we are vulnerable here now without anyone on watch, without anyone checking storage and suplies, without anyone scouting or scavenging--"  "Felix...that's it...OK we wait 3 days instead.  The scouters should have a  list of habitable locations in case we had to relocate, it's in Eddie's house.  We wait 3 days, and then pick a place on the list, leave a note for Sammy just in case, and leave."   Felix paused, it wasn't a horrible plan, the only part he didn't like was the 3 days part, 3 days were a very long time in the Apocolypse.  "OK, but I'm not kidding Becca, we leave in 3 days." She violently nodded her head and almost smiled.  This was going to be a long 3 days...

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