Chapter 10

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Angelica vomited and shivered.  She was nauseous and had this piercing pain in her abdomen.  She was sick because of the poop on her skin, the poop that probably got in her mouth when she was floating in the lake.  At least that's what she assumed, what else could it be.  "I need medicine..." She groaned as her stomach tightened so hard she had to stop walking and lean on a tree, taking deep breaths.  She was starving and dehydrated, there wasn't a river or stream anywhere in sight, no berries or fruits growing anywhere.  If her sickness didn't kill her, then the food deprivation woud.  Angelica wondered where she was and why she was so far from anything man made.  She'd give anything to come across an abandoned building were she could cool down and not sleep on dirt every night.  Just kidding, she never slept.  "Daddy... come get me..." She said through coarse lips, looking at an ant crawl under a leaf.  She sighed and continued her journey.  Who knew that vent had a secret passageway that led to the bunkers sewage stream which conviently led to the outside world.  She had thought about going back to the poop pond and looking for a pipe that led to the inside, but she guessed that pipe was at the bottom of the poop lake where no monster or person could get in.  She grinned when she thought of people, there are no people on the surface!  Where is everyone!  Where are all of the buildings, the towns, the roads or billboards or cars or camps or villages!  Maybe the Parasites got everyone, "the bunker was really the last place with people." Her leg cramped and since she was so weak, she toppled to the ground.  The sun was still in the air, she guessed it was four or three in the afternoon, even though the trees barely let any sunlight through.  Angelica kept thinking she should have stayed back in the black shack, that place was man-made and the closest thing to human civilization she had seen on the surface.  Her mind went quiet as an ant crawled onto her pointer finger.  She smiled since it's tiny legs tickeled her dirty rough skin.  She winced as another jab of pain kicked in her stomach.  Without thinking she licked the ant off her finger.  She didn't taste the insect, and it didn't satisfy her hunger either.  She groaned.  At least she hadn't seen, a sick person on her journey to civilization.  "Lucky me..." Then the most miraculous thing happened.  A drop of rain hit her cheek as she layed sprawled on the forest floor.  It was so small and light she wasn't even sure water had fallen.  Then more cold drops hit her exposed cut up thighs and her smelly crusted hair.  Within 10 minutes it was coming down.  Angelica bolted up ignoring all the pain im her body, she opened her mouth, grabbed the nearest leaf and wiped the poop off her skin with the water from the sky.  She laughed and jumped up and down as she waved her hair, increasing the surface area of it getting cleaned.  "Yes!  Thank you!" She screamed.  I'm clean, I'm clean, I'm clean!" Things were starting to clear up for Angelica Suarez.

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