Chapter 3

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5 DAYS LATER........

McDonald's.  That was the top relocation place.  He didn't hate it, he actually liked it, mainly cause it was McDonald's.  It was pretty close, no more than a half mile away.  There were a lot of Parasitics actually, they mostly attacked Becca, and Felix had to be the hero every time.  She would start to get mad that they always attacked her instead of him.  "These fucking stupid ass Parasite motherfuckers  keep on jumping on me, next time, jump in front of me Felix! "  She had been extremely grumpy since they left, Felix even gave her an extra 2 days to cope and grieve and accept that her sister was gone.  They took EVERYTHING the community had, every gun and every scrap of food or water, and they used up almost all of their gasoline burning the community down, every, single, house.  Becca kept to her machete with a butchers knife in the other, while Felix carried his long kitchen knife and a half full red can of gasoline, and each of them carried heavy duty red backpacks.  "Running!" Felix yelled as a young, short Parasitic scrambled from under a car and bolted towards Felix, who was now in front of the two.  Felix slammed the closed can of gas across the little girls head and she stumbled to the ground, Becca jumped on her and held her arms and legs down.  The girl kept snapping her jaw up like a piranha, she was missing both of her eyes, as well as all the skin surrounding where they should have been.  Felix easily slid his knife into he empty socket and she froze with her jaw open.  "How'd the little bitch see us? "  "She probably heard you complaining..." Felix mumbled.  "She was young.  Must've been healthy if the parasites turned her."  he sighed and they kept walking down the street and crossed without looking both ways.  "We are lucky the government came into this town when they did, otherwise it'd be crawling with the sick" Felix said after they carefully navigated a maze of dead bodies on the floor.  Becca groaned and swung her butcher knife on one of the dead guys head.  "Well...that's why we came here, 'member.  We know, no government would'v come for us back in Clermont, that place got fucked right in the butt. " Felix laughed, one of his friends from Clermont used to say the word 'butt' all of the time, he never gave it a second thought back then, but hearing him now brought happy memories.  Then they saw McDonald's, but walls of plywood, and cars encircled the small structure.  The only reason that they knew it was McDonald's was because of the tall sign.  Becca grabbed Felix's arm, she looked him in the eye; Becca quietly put the bag down, put her weapons in them, and pulled out two long pistols, the same ones that belonged to Eddie. Felix held his pistol tighter, and then pulled out another, an old cowboy styled one.  They crouched against the wall and peeked through the various cracks and peep holes in the structure.  Felix saw a woman with short red hair carrying a box into the mcdonalds, while Becca saw what was inside the McDonald's:  "people.  A lot of people, most inside of McDonald's, I can see about... 8 to 9. " "I don't see any weapons, you think they---"  the point of a long black barrel poked out of Felix's peep hole and jabbed his right eye, Felix jumped back and started to rub his eye.  "I can see ya kids, we don't have the best wall in the kingdom." Said an old and rough voice.  Felix froze but Becca aimed both of her guns at where the outline of an average height man could be seen in front of them.  Felix saw that the man had a grey beard, and light green eyes.  "Put the gun down." Felix surprisingly said.  Becca glared at him, then she looked at the man, then put her guns down.  The man directed them to follow the fence all the way to the back, where he opened the door for them.  They came in through the parking lot, and most of it was covered in a big white tent, they walked towards the front, where about four camping tents were placed right outside the fast-food restaurant.  Now they could see tall men and a few women with rifles, pistols, and an  assortment of sharp objects,  patrolling the perimeter, looking through each peephole and small opening.  "I'm Aaron, and as you can see, this is our home. " He smiled at saying that, but Becca and Felix were gaping at a pickup truck that was filled with Walmart grocery bags, Aaron looked at them and chuckled "you kids won't see that anywhere else.  There is a small community who have been living in a Walmart since the very beginning, rumor has it, when it first started, a couple friends and their families came rolling in with m16s and ak-47s, and heck, even a few Berettas, and they would shoot anyone who entered walmart.  Eventually they let very few people in, and have been living off whatever was inside for a while.  We have a nice deal with them, in order to get food and supplies. "  Becca scoffed, "What can you be offering them that they don't already have?  It doesn't look like you people flip burgers and make fries." Felix couldn't help but smile at Beccas bluntness.  "You sure got a mouth on you, don't cha darlin.  But no, we don't make krabby patties here, we have enough guns here to give to everybody here, twice.  We promised to be there militia incase they got into trouble with any other commutes."  "So your mercenaries." Felix said as they walked into the McDonald's.  There were at least 9 people sitting in the booths, and three more behind the counter, cutting food and putting guns away in the back.  People stared at them for a little bit, which made Felix's ears burn, but then they continued to do whatever they were doing before they showed up.  Aaron sat in an empty and ripped booth and the kids followed.  "So, you two been surviving together, or did you get lost from your people?"  Felix saw Beccas fingers stab into her thighs so Felix quickly spat out, "no, we uh, we didn't get lost.  Yeah, we were apart of a neighborhood, uh I mean a community who lived in a neighborhood.  They were all eaten."  Felix winced as he saw Beccas face spin to stare him dead in the eyes.  "I take it that she lost someone too.  Well, I'm sorry to hear about your friends, yall are welcome here, as long as you do your part, and things should be fine.   We need an extra two pairs of young hands to help us outside.  So, would yall like to stay? "  to his surprise, Becca nodded and wiped her eyes, Aaron smiled and said, "Welcome to McDonald's!"

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